Save Our NHS, Jobs, Services and Decent Welfare State – Demo 29th September

Calderdale Trades Council Will March to SAVE OUR NHS, Defend Jobs and Services, and Refuse Austerity in Manchester on Sunday 29 September
Supporters of the National Health Service and all those who want to defend jobs, services and a decent welfare state will be marching in Manchester to tell the Conservative Party Conference that we mean to Save Our NHS from cuts and stealth privatisation.

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#BMI Healthcare funds private #NHS policy seminars at #Tory and #Labour Conferences

Yesterday, Changing More Than Lightbulbs reported that private healthcare company BMI has funded a private, invitation-only NHS policy seminar at the LibDem conference. This led us to conclude that a vote for the LibDems was likely to be a vote sold to private healthcare companies.

Today, thanks to info from a CMTL contributor, we can report that BMI is also funding private, invitation-only NHS policy seminars at the Labour and Tory Conferences. So in the interests of fairness, it is only right to conclude that a vote for Labour or Tories will also be a vote sold to private healthcare companies.
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World Carfree Day this Sunday (22nd Sept)

World Carfree Day on 22nd September

It’s a bit late to organise a Hebden Bridge celebration of World Carfree Day, which takes place yearly on 22nd September, or thereabouts. But maybe it’s worth planning something for 2014? Any green/public transport/bike folk interested? Or already doing something?

Info about World Carfree Day is that it is a time when

“people from around the world get together in the streets, intersections, and neighbourhood blocks to remind the world that we don’t have to accept our car-dominated society.”

Please contact us if you’re interested in planning a 2014 World Carfree Day for the Upper Calder Valley. Or are already doing something Carfree this year.


Manchester tenants’ Bedroom Tax evidence shocks United Nations special rapporteur on housing

Phil Smith, from Calderdale Against the Bedroom Tax, reports on the 7th September 2013 presentation of individual tenants’ evidence to the United Nations special rapporteur on housing, Raquel Rolnick, and the preceding meeting of the  Steering Group of the Anti-Bedroom Tax and Benefit Justice Federation in Manchester.

I attended this meeting, held at Friends’ Meeting House in Manchester, on behalf of Calderdale Against the Bedroom Tax – and what a day it transpired to be!

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Michael Gove and the facts about poverty in Britain

Michael Gove and the real picture of poverty in Britain

By Gill Main, University of York – republished from  The Conversation

Michael Gove’s recent suggestion that inadequate financial management skills among poor families are to blame for the increasing demand on food banks has, unsurprisingly, sparked an angry response. Critics feel the Conservative Party is out of touch with the pressures on ordinary families.
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Still time to contact MEPs on fracking – EU Parliament has postponed vote

Around 60% of the EU population is against fracking, according to European Commission data.

Presumably Members of the European Parliament would have taken this into account when they were due to vote on a proposal to amend the existing EU Environmental Impact Assessment Directive, to take account of fracking.
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