Save our A&Es street stall draws hundreds to sign petition

A Save our A&Es petition gained over four hundred signatures in a couple of hours last Saturday, October 21st, in Halifax.

The petition organisers, Calderdale 38 Degrees NHS campaign group, have now put it online so more people can sign it – here. Continue reading

Local hospital services are excellent and must stay in place, NHS Campaign Group tells Calderdale Commission

Plain Speaker is pleased to publish the Submission from the Calderdale 38 degrees NHS Campaign Group to the Calderdale Commission on health and social care.

Over the last 9 months, Calderdale 38 Degrees NHS has held honest discussions with  over 1500 Calderdale residents about the proposals for local NHS cuts and service changes.

This submission summarises their considered views. Continue reading

Celebrate the NHS 66th Birthday at Mytholmroyd Gala on 5th July!

Everyone is welcome to the NHS 66th birthday party at Mytholmroyd Gala on 5th July. The fun starts on the Burnley Road playing field at 1pm with the opening ceremony and speeches and crowing the new Gala Queen!

Jane Rendle, a Mytholmroyd resident and member of Calderdale 38 Degrees NHS campaign group, said,

“Since the NHS started 66 years ago, on 5th July 1948, it has been our best loved national institution, a part of who we are as a nation. We trust nurses, doctors and other health staff like no others. By celebrating this birthday Calderdale 38 Degrees NHS want to show how much we value the NHS as a public service and say a big thank you to the staff. At this time when there’s a danger of stealthy privatisation we need to stand together to defend our NHS. Please join us in our celebrations.”

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Fun Halifax Gala float makes a serious point- Save our A&Es

Thanks to a Save our A&Es float – carrying bandaged, bruised and bloodied youngsters with their parents dressed as nurses and doctors – and a Calderdale 38 Degrees NHS campaign stall at Halifax Gala today, thousands of people in Halifax have found out more about proposals for the NHS and social care shake up in Calderdale and Huddersfield. These could see one or both A&E departments in Halifax and Huddersfield downgraded to Minor Injuries Units. Continue reading

Closing our A&E is pie in the sky, say Halifax Gala ‘nurses’, ‘doctors’ and ‘patients’

The “Save our A&Es” Float for Halifax Gala tomorrow (14th June) is all sorted. Beds, blood, bandages, kids, doctors, nurses are all ready and raring to go.

But there’s still time to let organiser Gary Scott know if you’d like to come and help out (you don’t need to be on the float), and/or if your kids would like to join the others on the float. Continue reading

A great day in sunny Brighouse for Save our A&Es campaign

Calderdale NHS 38 Degrees group had a great morning in sunny Brighouse.  With 10 members on their information stall, they talked to the public, gave out leaflets and added
signatures to a petition to save Calderdale and Huddersfield A&E departments. Just short of 300 people signed the petition at the stall. Continue reading

#Sowerby Bridge folk queue to sign petition to protect Calderdale NHS

On Saturday 18th January, people queued in Sowerby Bridge market to sign a petition asking Calderdale Clinical Commissioning Group to protect local NHS services from profit-hungry private health companies. Over 80 signatures were added to the petition at the Calderdale 38 degrees NHS campaign group’s information stall.
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#Calderdale #NHS 38 Degrees stall 18th Jan and meeting 13th Feb

Calderdale NHS 38 Degrees campaign group will be holding a public information stall in Sowerby Bridge market on Saturday 18th January from about 11am to about 1pm ish, if anyone wishes to come down and find out more about what is quietly going on behind our backs in the NHS reorganisation.

The date of the group’s next meeting is Thursday 13th February 6-8pm at the Ring o’Bells pub in Halifax, – 3 Upper Kirkgate HX1 1QS.  New members are always welcome. The group campaigns to keep the NHS public and stop backdoor privatisation of the NHS.
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#Calderdale NHS privatisation – not what you expect under the Christmas tree

A stall with information about the rapid privatisation of Calderdale NHS surprised many members of the public in Hebden Bridge on Saturday morning.

The stall, under the Christmas tree in St George’s Square, was run by members of Calderdale NHS 38 Degrees, a group which campaigns to keep the NHS public and stop backdoor privatisation of the NHS.

Janet Bertola, a member of Calderdale NHS 38 Degrees group, said,

“NHS privatisation’s going on before our eyes, but we just don’t see it.”

Eileen Wright, a Hebden Bridge resident, admitted:

“I don’t know anything about this.”

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