Waste Incinerator Private Finance Initiative Report Is Baffling

The Waste Treatment Private Finance Initiative Report states that the cost to Calderdale Council of borrowing £9.2m to invest in the construction of the Private Finance Initiative Bradford waste incinerator/combined heat and power generator would be around £564,000 a year. But the Report says that despite the cost, Calderdale Council would “look to” save £200K/year as a result of the investment. I can’t figure this out. Someone please explain!
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Calderdale Council Cabinet votes Monday Feb 11th on £9m investment in new waste incinerator

A week after the Department for Communities and Local Government refused to hold a public inquiry into controversial plans for a waste incinerator in North Yorkshire, Calderdale Council has announced that tomorrow, on Monday 11 February, Calderdale’s Cabinet will consider a report which recommends the Council invests £9m in a new waste incinerator  to be constructed at Bowling Back Lane in Bradford.

If you want to tell the Cabinet what you think of this, here is the list of Cabinet members, with links to their email addresses.
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Stop ROC subsidies for palm oil-fuelled electricity

Alert reposted from Biofuelwatch
Please write to your MP today with a new Parliamentary Briefing and urge him or her to call on the Department for Energy and Climate Change to drop their plans for long-term subsidies for biofuel/palm oil electricity.

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Leaked cuts may explain government ‘no’ to Don Valley carbon capture and storage

Despite being the UK’s front-runner to receive funding from the European Union NER competition for carbon capture and storage (CCS) schemes, last autumn 2CO’s Don Valley CCS project didn’t make it to the UK Coalition government’s shortlist for the competition. No-one could understand why – the Don Valley CCS project was far more advanced than any others and had come out top in a parallel European Union assessment of UK CCS schemes.

Mock up of Don Valley Power Project_2CO image

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Still time for households to apply for an air source heat pump free survey

As previously reported, Blackshawhead Environmental Action Team (BEAT) has been working with British Gas to have heavily-discounted air source heat pumps (ASHPs) installed in local houses which are not connected to mains gas. Finn Jensen of BEAT says,

“The British Gas ASHP offer is not just for Blackshaw Head so if anyone else who is not on mains gas is interested we will forward that to British Gas.”

Extended deadline means there’s still time for a free survey

The deadline for the installation of an air source heat pump with a discount of around £10,000 has now been extended by the government to the end of March 2013. So if you’re off the gas mains and want a free survey of your house to see if it’s suitable and to get a quote for the discounted installation cost (usually around £5-6,000) please email finn.jensen@rocketmail.com with your phone number(s).
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Forget the Green Deal – demand an Energy Bill Revolution

The Energy Bill Revolution campaign is urging the government to use the money it gets from carbon taxes to make our homes super-energy efficient – driving down our energy bills forever. And also reducing household carbon emissions and the need for energy.

If you haven’t already signed the Energy Bill Revolution petition, you can do it here.
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37 Blackshawhead households sign up for discounted air source heat pump survey

37 Blackshawhead households have signed up for an air source heat pump (ASHP) survey following Blackshawhead Environmental Action Team’s meeting, where households off the gas network  found about from  British Gas about the company’s discount scheme for installing a new smart central heating system using an air source heat pump.

Fuel poverty

Fuel poverty is rising,  but between 2009 and 2013 the Coalition government cut funding to help people in fuel poverty by 26%, and also cut the budget for energy efficiency measures for the fuel poor in England by 44%. (Information from Energy Bill Revolution campaign report.)

Graphic from Fact File:Families and Fuel Poverty, by ACE & Energy Bill Revolution

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