Households can now apply for Domestic Renewable Heat Incentive

The domestic Renewable Heat Incentive is now open and will pay households for renewable heat they generate in their homes.

The payments, over seven years, are to offset the cost of installing low carbon heating systems such as solar thermal, biomass boilers and ground source heat pumps.

The scheme is open home owners, social and private landlords, and people who build their own homes. It is available to households both on and off the gas grid. Continue reading

Still time for households to apply for an air source heat pump free survey

As previously reported, Blackshawhead Environmental Action Team (BEAT) has been working with British Gas to have heavily-discounted air source heat pumps (ASHPs) installed in local houses which are not connected to mains gas. Finn Jensen of BEAT says,

“The British Gas ASHP offer is not just for Blackshaw Head so if anyone else who is not on mains gas is interested we will forward that to British Gas.”

Extended deadline means there’s still time for a free survey

The deadline for the installation of an air source heat pump with a discount of around £10,000 has now been extended by the government to the end of March 2013. So if you’re off the gas mains and want a free survey of your house to see if it’s suitable and to get a quote for the discounted installation cost (usually around £5-6,000) please email with your phone number(s).
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