Lobby NHS Calderdale Clinical Commissioning Executive 17th Jan


Lobby NHS Calderdale Clinical Commissioning Executive with Calderdale Save our Services

Thursday 17th January 2013, in Halifax at F Mill, Dean Clough, Dean Clough Road / Lee Bridge (next to the Travelodge, entrance via Gate 9). More information here. Download leaflet here. Please circulate widely.



More info about Calderdale Save Our Services here.

Information from Liberty about protestors’s rights is here. Or download the National Union of Students leaflet Protest – Your Rights.

Leaked cuts may explain government ‘no’ to Don Valley carbon capture and storage

Despite being the UK’s front-runner to receive funding from the European Union NER competition for carbon capture and storage (CCS) schemes, last autumn 2CO’s Don Valley CCS project didn’t make it to the UK Coalition government’s shortlist for the competition. No-one could understand why – the Don Valley CCS project was far more advanced than any others and had come out top in a parallel European Union assessment of UK CCS schemes.

Mock up of Don Valley Power Project_2CO image

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Ban the Burn takes blanket bog campaign to Brussels

The European Commission is to investigate the legality of Environmental Stewardship payments to Walshaw Moor Estate.

Hebden Bridge campaigners who want a ban on burning and draining blanket bog – a rare, priority protected habitat – are challenging the legality of a £2.5 million Environmental Stewardship Agreement (ESA) that Natural England has awarded the grouse-shooting Walshaw Moor Estate, part of the South Pennines Site of Special Scientific Interest and Natura 2000 site.

In Brussels on 10th January, Hebden Bridge resident Dongria Kondh asked Jean Francois Brakeland, head of the European Commission’s unit for enforcing EU environmental law in the UK, to investigate whether Natural England and the Defra Secretary of State acted unlawfully in deciding that Walshaw Moor Estate’s grouse shooting operations would not adversely affect the integrity of the protected moors.

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Conservation watchdog’s approval of grouse shooting estate operations on protected moors may fail key legal test

Information I have obtained through Environmental Information Regulations requests shows that Natural England’s 2012 environmental impact assessment of Walshaw Moor Estate’s  grouse shooting operations appears not to pass a crucial legal test.

The assessment fails to show that no reasonable scientific doubt exists that Walshaw Moor Estate’s burning and draining of blanket bog (and other operations) will not damage the integrity of the protected conservation site. This calls into question the validity of the £2.5m Walshaw Moor Estate Environmental Stewardship Agreement, since the ESA  is based on the Appropriate Assessment conclusion that WME’s operations will not have adverse effects on the integrity of the site.
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Hebden Bridge Matters…to Hibu/Yell Ltd

OK so let’s start 2013 as I mean to go on – having a good clear out.

First up on my pile of junk is the fact that the Hibu plc/Yell Ltd advertising directory, masquerading as a “community” magazine for Hebden Bridge, doesn’t pay its writers and photographers. The Hibu magazine content submission agreement specifies that:

‘You (the “Author”) hereby irrevocably grant to Yell Limited, its affiliates, and Magazine (collectively the “Publisher”) the unrestricted, perpetual, worldwide right to use the Content freely in whole or in part in any manner or medium now known or hereinafter devised for any purpose, commercial or otherwise, without compensation.’

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Our food future – global or local? Discussion with Geoff Tansey 9th January

Everyone is welcome to a discussion led by Geoff Tansey about the future of food, hosted by Blackshaw Environmental Action Team in Heptonstall on Wednesday 9th January at 7.45PM at the Social and Bowling Club. The topic is Our food future – global vs local?  Admission is free.
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