Apply in writing if you’d like to be co-opted as a Hebden Royd Town Councillor

Two vacancies on the Council have arisen following the resignations of Councillor Julia Gibson & Councillor Matthew Talbot. They  represented WHITE LEE WARD and CALDENE WARD

The Town Council will now fill these posts by co-option, since no poll has been claimed within the advertised period.
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Incredible Edible Mytholm’s presentation to Hebden Bridge Partnership

This is the gist of Incredible Edible Mytholm’s 3 minute presentation at the Hebden Bridge Partnership AGM this evening (10th October).


IEM came out of people talking about what the best use of the Mytholm Works designated employment site might be, for Hebden Bridge and the whole  Upper Calder Valley.
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Does Labour really plan to reverse NHS privatisation?

What exactly is the Labour Party’s position on safeguarding the NHS as a publicly owned service that provides universal health care free at the point of need?

This is going to be a crucial issue in the 2015 General Election.

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NHS England knows nothing of Care UK contracts for Todmorden and Halifax walk in health centres

NHS England says it does not have information about the Care UK contracts for Todmorden and Halifax Walk In Health Centres.

When I put in a Freedom of Information request to Calderdale CCG last July, they passed much of it on to NHS England. This was because Calderdale CCG had inherited the Care UK contracts from the Calderdale Primary Care Trust but, unaccountably, didn’t have information about them and thought that NHS England would know.

NHS England has now replied that they too know nothing about the Care UK Contracts for the Tod and Halifax Walk in Health Centres, and has suggested that I contact the legacy team at the Department of Health.
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We can limit global warming to 2℃ – here’s how

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has just issued its 5th  Assessment Report. This represents the international scientific consensus on the state of climate change, its human causes, and what we need to do to keep global warming within the hopefully safe limit of 2℃ above the pre-industrial level of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere – before we starting running our economies on fossil fuels.
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Blackshaw Environmental Action Team AGM, 9th October

The BEAT AGM and public meeting is at 7.30pm on 9th October at the Chapel (the Methodist Church in Blackshaw Head).
What should BEAT do in 2014?
All are welcome to come and discuss what BEAT should do in the coming year.  One option is to do more on energy conservation. Calderdale Council has suggested a partnership with BEAT and the Carbon Coop to apply to the Department for Energy and Climate Change (DECC) for a minimum grant of £1 million to do insulation work of hard to treat houses (e.g. houses where the cavity wall cannot be insulated).

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Unanimous vote for Incredible Edible Mytholm’s business plan

Incredible Edible Mytholm (IEM) Members voted yesterday on proposals from the management committee, worked up over the summer thanks to financial support from the Plunkett Foundation and the Community Fund For Calderdale.

Members voted unanimously to give their broad endorsement to the outline business plan, as presented, and to endorse the establishment of Green Food Adventures as a community benefit society, with a development trust as an add-on feature of the society.
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Green Food Adventures – Come & Taste The Business Plan!

On Monday 30th September, Incredible Edible Mytholm Members and Supporters will find out what’s in the tasty Green Food Adventures outline business plan. This makes the case for a proposed community benefit social enterprise on the Browns Field site on King Street Hebden Bridge.

Members will vote on whether to accept the plan or send it back to the Management Committee for more work.

The quarterly Incredible Edible Mytholm Members and Supporters meeting will take place at 7.30pm on Monday 30th September in the Terrace Room, Hebden Bridge Town Hall. All IEM members, supporters and people who are simply curious about Green Food Adventures are welcome.
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Brown’s Field Observation Project Takes Root

Mike from Incredible Farm & Katy and Jenny from Incredible Edible Mytholm (IEM) had a meeting on Brown’s Field/Mytholm Works site earlier this month, to decide on some observation points, rather than relying on a grid as we’d previously thought of doing.

If you’d like to take part in the site observation over the coming year, please get in touch or come to the IEM Members’ and Supporters’ Meeting on Monday 30th September, 7.30pm at the Terrace Room, Hebden Bridge Town Hall, where you can find out more.
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