Last chance to sign petition against forced academy status & Why Gove must go demo


The organiser of the petition against the forced academisation  of Calder High has asked for signed petitions to be returned to her by Monday 18th February. So this is a last-minute call for signatures! You can download and sign the petition here, and also find the address to send the petition to.

At this late date, it’s probably a good idea to email her to say the signed petition’s in the post, otherwise it’ll miss the deadline.

Email Green Investment Bank Chair & Cllr Battye to stop funding big biomass

Here’s the link to the BIofuelwatch webpage which has an email to send to the Chair of the UK Green Investment Bank. Please send an email – you can re word it to suit yourself, or simply send the version that Biofuelwatch has written.

You might also want to email Councillor Janet Battye, who represents Calderdale Council on the Leeds City Region (LCR) Green Economy Panel. The LCR Green Economy Panel support the Green Investment Bank’s £100m investment in big biomass at Drax. Here’s the Email I have sent Cllr Battye – please feel free to use this as a template for your own email if that helps.
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Petition Education Secretary to WITHDRAW decision to impose Sponsored Academy status on Calder High School

You can download and print out a Petition regarding Calder High. (Use back button to return to this page once you’ve downloaded the Petition).  Guidance on printing out, filling in and returning the petition to the organiser is at the end of this post.

Or you can email the petition organiser for more information and/or to ask her to send you a copy of the petition.

The Petition invites signatures from Calder High School parents, staff and students, and local residents within the school’s catchment area which is from Halifax to Todmorden, before the deadline of 18th February. This will allow time to get it to Gove before the sponsor matching process is finished.
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Ban The Burn On Blanket Bogs online petition needs 65 more signatures

Please sign the online Ban The Burn petition, if you haven’t already. 335 people already have, and we only need another 65 signatures. Then we will present the petition to Natural England and Defra.

This is what the petition asks:


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Stop ROC subsidies for palm oil-fuelled electricity

Alert reposted from Biofuelwatch
Please write to your MP today with a new Parliamentary Briefing and urge him or her to call on the Department for Energy and Climate Change to drop their plans for long-term subsidies for biofuel/palm oil electricity.

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Opportunity to raise Ban the Burn position at free Natural England workshop, Tuesday 29th Jan

Ban the Burn! members and supporters might like to attend the free South Pennines National Character Area Profiles Workshop. This Pennine Prospects/Natural England workshop is about how the South Pennines Watershed Landscape Project has been influenced by Natural England’s update of the South Pennines National Character Area (NCA) profile.

The workshop takes place on Tuesday 29th January, 10am-2pm, at Hebden Bridge Town Hall. It is free, with lunch provided, and open to all, but you need to book in advance by emailing or phoning 01422 847612, or 07582 101319.

Speakers include Nancy Stedman, Natural England Senior Adviser and Robin Gray, Watershed Landscape Project Manager Continue reading

Lobby NHS Calderdale Clinical Commissioning Executive 17th Jan


Lobby NHS Calderdale Clinical Commissioning Executive with Calderdale Save our Services

Thursday 17th January 2013, in Halifax at F Mill, Dean Clough, Dean Clough Road / Lee Bridge (next to the Travelodge, entrance via Gate 9). More information here. Download leaflet here. Please circulate widely.



More info about Calderdale Save Our Services here.

Information from Liberty about protestors’s rights is here. Or download the National Union of Students leaflet Protest – Your Rights.