Support the Energy Bill Revolution

The Energy Bill Revolution is a campaign to make energy bills affordable to all, through the UK government using revenue from carbon taxes to pay for insulating people’s homes. This will make homes warmer, so people have to use less energy to heat them, and pay less on their energy bills. It would bring nine out of ten fuel-poor households out of fuel poverty, cut carbon emissions and create jobs.

Money spent on home insulation saves a lot more money for the NHS

Research in 2008 by the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health and Buildings Research Establishment showed that:

every £1 spent on improving energy efficiency in homes where cold is likely to damage people’s health, saves the NHS £34.19 over 10 years, per 100,000 homes.

I don’t exactly understand that statistic (can someone please explain it?), but it sounds as if using carbon tax revenue to pay for people’s home energy efficiency improvements would save a lot of money that would otherwise be spent on the NHS. So arguing that we can’t afford it because of the need to cut public spending probably isn’t going to wash.

24% of Calderdale homes are fuel poor and there are higher excess winter deaths here than in UK as a whole

The Energy Bill Revolution would be very helpful in Calderdale. Around 24% of Calderdale homes are fuel poor, according to the 2008 Calderdale Private Sector Stock Condition Survey. Fuel poverty damages the health of people living in these fuel-poor homes – through increasing respiratory illnesses, arthritis and risks of elderly people’s falls. It is associated with higher than average excess winter deaths – that is, the greater number of deaths that occur in winter, compared to the normal rate of deaths in the population.

There are two main carbon taxes: the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme (EUETS) and the carbon floor price, that’s due to start in April 2013. The carbon price floor will establish the rate of fuel duty or climate change levy payable on fossil fuels used to generate electricity. The amount payable will depend on the average carbon content of each type of fossil fuel.

Using the taxes to pay for home insulation and other energy efficiency measures would reduce the energy people use and help cut carbon emissions that way.

The Energy Bill Revolution is supported by by alliance of children’s and older people’s charities, health and disability groups, environment groups, consumer groups, trade unions, businesses, politicians and public figures

Energy Bill Revolution Petition

If you think the UK government should use our carbon tax revenues to pay for home energy efficiency improvements, you can sign a petition here.

Early Day Motion 47

In the last session of Parliament, one of the MPs in the Energy Bill Revolution alliance put forward Early Day Motion (EDM) 2769, which called for Parliament to pass the proposal. 121 MPs signed up to support the EDM.  Craig Whitaker didn’t, although there are over 9,000 households in fuel poverty in this constituency and presumably he wants to do something about it.

In the new session of Parliament, an MP has put forward EDM 47 (to replace EDM 2769). This is another chance for Craig Whittaker to do something that will help reduce his constituents’ fuel poverty.

You can email and ask him to sign Early Day Motion 49, calling for Parliament to pass Energy Bill Revolution proposal for the UK government to recycle carbon taxes into insulating people’s homes.

Ask Calderdale Council for low energy, dimmable street lighting

Over the last couple of years or so, Calderdale Council has installed a few LED streetlights – there’s one on my street. LED streetlights (ie using light emitting diodes) are much lower energy than traditional orange streetlights – but they give out a horrible blue glare. The first night the new one on my street came on, such a fierce alien light poured through my windows that I thought space invaders must’ve pitched up.

Now there’s a new form of dimmable warm-white street lighting that  gives  lower watt lighting on demand and also reduces light pollution – which LED streetlights create a lot of.

This would be good in Upper Calder Valley, wouldn’t it?



Exciting volunteering opportunities – Growing a Better Future at the Eden Project

OK so this is at the other end of the country, in Cornwall – but if you’re looking for exciting volunteering opportunities, Oxfam Grow has teamed up with the Eden Project  in Cornwall to run a three year food justice campaign, Growing a Better Future.

Grow volunteer at Bristol Festival of Nature

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BEAT social raises £455 for insulating Blackshawhead Chapel

Around 50 people attended the Blackshawhead Environmental Action Team social last Saturday at the Newdy in Colden, and raised £455 for the insulation of the Chapel.
The Social also saw BEAT launch its community shares offer for Pennine Community Power, a Community Benefit Society that’s  aiming to have a wind-turbine in operation in Blackshawhead by November this year.

Photo credit Craig/Bluplanet Photo

BEAT offered thanks to the people who donated prizes for the raffle, and to  Newdy for feeding everyone.

Join the Stop Government Snooping petition hand-in to Craig Whittaker on Friday 29th

On Friday the 29th, Shirley, a local 38 Degrees member, has arranged to hand the  Stop Government Snooping petition in to our MP, Craig Whittaker.

Energy Royd, as an online community of content creators, contributors and readers, has a direct interest in protecting  internet privacy.

The petition hand-in is taking place at 1st Floor, Spring Villa at 16 Church Lane, Huddersfield, HD6 1AT. Everyone is invited to  join Shirley on Friday at 3.30pm, to get ready to meet Craig Whittaker at 3.45pm.  A strong turnout will show him that many people in Calderdale oppose the government’s plans to spy on who we email, text and call.

The Petition says:

Dear David Cameron,

Respect our privacy. Stop the internet and phone snooping plan.

  • Don’t spy on our e-mail, phone and internet use
  • Keep your election promise to “reverse the rise of the surveillance state”
  • This is Britain, not China or Iran. We don’t want the government spying on our every move

Why the petition?

The government has set out its new plans for the year ahead in the Queen’s Speech. They want new powers to invade our privacy. 
They plan to collect and keep information on all of us about who we call, text and email, and which websites we visit. And they won’t need a warrant or reason.

38 Degrees says:

“Our civil liberties have taken a battering in recent years from politicians of all backgrounds. Now it’s time to for us to push back.” 

You can sign the petition here. So far over 184,000 people have signed. 38 degrees is hoping for 200,000 by the hand-in time.

What is 38 Degrees?

This is how 38 Degrees describes itself:

“38 Degrees is the angle at which an avalanche happens. In the UK, 38 Degrees will enable people to act together, to create an avalanche for change.”


Calderdale Council to set up new Energy Future panel & call for members

Who would you like to see on a new Calderdale Energy Future Panel?

Calderdale Council’s Partnership Support Team says that Calderdale Council is currently setting up a new Energy Future Panel, which is likely to replace the former Environment Partnership. The Calder Forward website will be updated with this information in due course. It will include a call for members of the new Calderdale Energy Future Panel

There’s some information about Calderdale Council Partnerships and the Environment Partnership here.

Ask Nestle, Unilever & Neste Oil to stop buying illegal palm oil -& write to Nick Clegg while you’re about it

Please sign this Rainforest Rescue-drafted email and send it to the management of Nestlé, Unilever and Neste Oil, asking them to cancel their business relationship with the corporate group IOI.

Illegal rainforest clearance to make way for palm oil plantations

Rainforest Rescue reports that:

“one thousand people on the Indonesian island of Borneo have lost their forest. It was illegally cleared by the corporate group IOI that supplies Nestlé, Unilever and Neste Oil with palm oil. All three companies publicly pride themselves for their so-called “sustainability”.

Rainforest Rescue partner Nordin, head of the organization Save Our Borneo (SOB), has collected plenty of watertight evidence against the criminals. He is preparing to file a case and the local government is backing him. However, to prevent more damage elsewhere, the palm oil Mafia’s profit stream has to be cut off. This is where Nordin needs our support. 

Please call on Nestlé, Unilever and Neste Oil to cancel their business relationship with IOI.”

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What’s Oil for Development scheme doing in the UN Sustainable Energy For All initiative?

The UN Sustainable Energy For All (SEFA) initiative looks like a massive exercise in greenwash. Chad Holliday, Chair of the Bank of America and Co-Chair of SEFA, describes it as “the greatest public-private partnership of all” – approaching $50 billion in commitments. A representative of the UN General-Secretariat says that “implicit in SEFA is that all options are open” – including all fossil fuel options.

Norway, a key funder of SEFA, is promoting its “Oil for Development” scheme, which proposes to exploit Africa’s great gas resources. And  Bloomberg New Energy Finance has described nuclear power as “absolutely fantastic”
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Pennine Community Power launch community shares offer at New Delight 23rd June

At this very moment (7.30pm) Pennine Community Power, an offshoot of Blackshaw Environmental Action Team, is launching their community shares offer at the New Delight in Colden.
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