Author Archives: jenny
Why I hope Hebden Royd Town Council will advise against the Mytholm Works planning application
Tomorrow, 31st October, Hebden Royd Town Council will consider the planning application for a supermarket, hotel, parking and micro-hydro turbine on the Mytholm Works site. The meeting, which starts at 7.30pm in Hebden Royd Town Hall, will decide how to advise Calderdale Council to deal with the planning application – whether to accept it or refuse it.
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Incredible Edible Mytholm? Nominating Mytholm Works as a community asset?
Updated 26th Oct 2013
This page is about a year old now and things have moved on a lot. If you’ve landed here from the link on the Incredible Edible Network website, you might want to jump to Incredible Edible Mytholm’s homepage.
Anyone up for forming a group to nominate Mytholm Works as a community asset?
Here’s some info on how this could work.
Steve Hoyle, the Calderdale Council officer responsible for dealing with the new Community Right to Bid, has emailed that by the end of this week, he should be able to send me the forms to use to nominate a community asset.
And Robin Tuddenham, Calderdale Council’s Director of Communities, has confirmed that although Calderdale Council has not yet decided on its procedure for creating a list or register of community assets, there’s no need to wait for this to happen. It’s ok to submit an expression of interest in nominating a community asset right away, using the nomination forms and guidance that Steve Hoyle aims to send out at the end of this week.
New job claims for proposed Mytholm Works supermarket & hotel don’t seem to stack up
The claim is that the proposed Mytholm Works supermarket and hotel would create 100 new jobs. I asked the developers’ planning agent, Richard Lee, where this figure came from. He said he’d tell me the source of this estimate, but hasn’t yet.
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TV & film production carbon calculator
BAFTA has a free online carbon calculator for TV and film productions, small or mega.
For some reason it’s called Albert.(?!)
It was developed by the BBC, putting our tv license money to good use, to make tv production greener. Using it, the BBC has found that producing one hour of tv creates about 9 tonnes of carbon dioxide. The Women’s Film & TV Network points out,
“To put the BBC’s figures into context: 9 tonnes of carbon dioxide is enough to fill almost 50 double decker buses, it weighs the same as two adult elephants or 1, 800 cats and it’s close to the footprint you would expect from eight ‘typical’ UK citizens over one year.”
Clearly, this amount has to come down. BAFTA’s holding a free Greening the Screen event in London on 12 November to discuss how this can happen.
Ways of reducing the carbon emissions from tv & film production include:
- building sets from pre-used materials
- using renewable energy (solar, used vegetable oil or wind) generators
- sleep in hotels with sound environmental policies
- ask your crew to travel together,
- reduce and recycle waste
- as the BBC Comedy production Mongrels did, use low energy lighting. This cut their electricity bill by over 40%.
There is a new code of practice for greener film and tv production, British Standard 8909, which indicates what to do to reduce a production’s carbon footprint.
Links to carbon calculators for other lines of work, as well as schools and households, are here.
Survey finds 40% of the public think Hebden Bridge lacks “nothing”
A Hebden Bridge Public Survey conducted in May 2012 found that, in response to the question “What does Hebden Bridge lack?”, 14% said “a supermarket” while 40% said “Nothing”.
Strategy and Review Committee to find out how Town Council can nominate a community asset
The Hebden Royd Town Council Strategy and Review Committee Meeting on 23 October 2012 agreed that the Town Clerk would investigate the process for Hebden Royd Town Council to nominate a community asset to Calderdale Council for inclusion on the register/list of community assets, and bring the information to the next Strategy and Review Committee in December.
The Committee will then decide on making a recommendation about this to the next full Council meeting.
Hebden Royd Town Council & the Mytholm Works plan – update
Hebden Royd Town Council will consider the Mytholm Works planning application on 31st October.
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Public questions Mytholm Works development plan
Chaired by Calderdale Councillor Janet Battye, a packed public meeting upstairs at the Stubbing Wharf pub fired questions about the proposed supermarket and hotel development to Calderdale planning officer Richard Seaman, architect Sam Deakin and the developers’ planning consultant Roger Lee.
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Mytholm Works – a growing future
The current plannning application by Setbray Properties and Belmont Homes, for a hotel and supermarket on the Mytholm Works site, isn’t the only game in town.
A long term vision for affordable, sustainable food in Calderdale
IncredibleEdible Mytholm is currently applying for funding to cover the costs of commissioning a business plan, to find out about the economic viability of our ideas for a community-owned, not-for-profit sustainable food business on the site.
These are the brainchild of Dr Nik Green, who last October took time out from managing the Incredible Farm market garden in Walsden to talk about his ideas for a community-owned development at Mytholm works that would provide a “farm gate” retail outlet for locally produced food, alongside a permaculture market garden, an apprenticeship scheme for market gardeners, and an ecohotel and tourist attraction that could rival Cornwall’s Eden Project.