The writing’s on the wall – in all kinds of good ways

April 3rd turned out to be a day for writing on the wall.

Writing on the wall – Institute of Endless Possibilities

In huge daffodil-yellow letters, Institute of Endless Possibiities is beaming across the Henry Moore Institute front wall.

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“I can assure you there will be no privatisation of the NHS under this government…” Craig Whittaker MP

Craig Whittaker has refused to sign Early Day Motion 1188. EDM 1188 asks  for the annullment of the ‘new’ regulations (SI 2013/500) under Section 75 of the Health and Social Care Act – the ones that provide a stealth route to privatising the NHS. The advice of David Lock, a Queen’s Counsel employed by campaigning organisation 38 Degrees, is that the new regulations (the National Health Service (Procurement, Patient Choice and Competition) (No. 2) Regulations 2013),

“are likely to have the effect of both permitting and promoting the transfer of NHS services to private sector.”

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New NHS privatisation regulations to be debated in House of Lords on 24 April. Campaign now.

This is  a briefing from Keep Our NHS Public (KONP). It basically asks you to write to LibDem and Cross-bench peers asap,asking them to block the second set of NHS privatisation regulations. It provides examples of standard letters for each type of peer. It also asks you to write to your MP asking them to support Early Day Motion (EDM) 1188, if they haven’t already done so.

I’m doing these things today, I hope you will too.

It explains the background to these campaign requests.
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Straw Works at Growing Futures Field Day

Myra James, Incredible Edible Mytholm management committee member, muses on Barbara Jones’ straw bale building talk.

This doesn’t claim to be a summary of the excellent, informative and inspiring talk given by Barbara Jones of Straw Works at Incredible Edible Mytholm’s Field Day, just some of my own musings based on what I can remember, assisted by a few scribbled notes.
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Our NHS is being dismantled for transnational corporations – Dr Lucy Reynolds

This article is republished from the Opendemocracy website according to the terms of their Creative Commons licence

LUCY REYNOLDS 3 April 2013

As a key part of the EU-US trade deal currently being fleshed out, the Conservatives are making good on a decades old fantasy of theirs – breaking up the NHS and opening it to global business. This is the reality and it’s happening now.

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50th anniversary conference on EP Thompson’s The Making of the English Working Class

The People’s History Museum and The Working Class Movement Library are holding a one-day conference on Saturday 13th April 2013 to celebrate EP Thompson’s classic history book, The Making of the English Working Class.

The cost is £10/£5 unwaged. The conference, at the People’s History Museum in Manchester, starts at 10 am and ends at 4.45pm. Booking is required, please contact 0161 838 9190 or
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