Author Archives: jenny
Calderdale Council tells DECC that Green Deal is “cause for concern”
A Calderdale Council Report on home energy conservation plans for the next two years is critical of the new Green Deal and Energy Company Obligation policy. It advocates “more equitable”, publicly-funded home insulation and other measures to help householders save energy and reduce their energy bills. Calderdale Council Cabinet approved and adopted the Report at its May 2013 meeting.
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The Agricultural Wages Board has gone, but a Hebden Royd Councillor fights on for fair farm wages
Hebden Royd Councillor Jonathan Timbers reports on why the Council wants fair farm wages and a proper career structure for farm workers.
In a post on the Incredible Edible Mytholm blog, there is a photo of Cllr Tony Hodgins and me, looking deadly earnest. It was taken when we were listening to a talk about the abolition of the Agricultural Wages Board (AWB), which at the time the Tory-Lib Dem coalition were proposing in the Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Bill.
IncredibleEdible Mytholm’s comments on HB Partnership Draft Action Plan – 2020: A better place for all
The IEM Management Committee recently sent Hebden Bridge Partnership its considered collective comments on the Partnership’s Draft Action Plan for the town. The comments are posted below.
Now that the deadline for comments has closed, the Partnership has put a summary of all the responses on its website.
IEM looks forward to attending the Partnership’s 8th July meeting, where the Partnership will review and discuss all the comments it has received on the draft Action Plan. The meeting is open to all members of the public and all HB organisations.
Here are IEM’s comments.
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Leeds Urban Food Justice- Free Agroecology event June 27th
Dr Chiara Tornaghi, ESRC Research fellow and Teaching Fellow at the School of Geography, University of Leeds, invites everyone to the next Urban Food Justice event, for either the morning or afternoon session, or both. It’s on Thursday 27th June, at Armley Mills Museums, from 10.30 to 4.30. Lunch is provided and it’s free to attend
If you go down to Knott Wood today – well, on Sunday 16th June…
It costs less to tackle climate change than to do nothing
There is a conventional view that global action to reduce climate change is a cost to society. But a 2012 Report, Guide to a Cold Calculus for a Hot Planet, outlines how tackling climate change through coordinated efforts between nations would produce much-needed benefits for all, and cost less than sticking with business as usual in the global carbon-intensive economy.
Twitter from Calderdale’s Flood Recovery Steering Group
Not The G8 – Sat 15th June, Leeds
Feral – Monbiot goes where the wild things are
Going where the wild things are stops Monbiot being bored – a problem for him, given his humdrum life of raising a kid, working and paying the bills – and he wants the rest of us to experience the same thrills. He is an evangelist for rewilding, the modish conservation concept that calls for the reintroduction of top predators like wolves, bear and lynx to certain regions where they have become extinct.
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