Not The G8 – Sat 15th June, Leeds

With the G8 up to all kinds of nefariousness, it’s time to gather and come up with ways to stop their horrible rips offs. This is what the Not the G8 is about, in Leeds this Saturday. There are still spaces at the event, it’s free, and this is where to book:

11am-6.30pm, Saturday 15 June

Leeds University Student Union, Lifton Place, Leeds LS2 9JZ

Speakers include:

  • Raj Patel, bestselling author of Stuffed and Starved: the hidden battle for the world food system
  • Dorothy-Grace Guerrero, climate justice programme co-ordinator, Focus on the Global South, Thailand
  • Luís Bernardo, campaigner with Attac Portugal
  • Deborah Doane, director of the World Development Movement
  • Ray Bush, professor of African studies and development politics, University of Leeds

This June, the G8 countries are meeting in the UK, in Fermanagh, for the first time since 2005. Amazingly, the G8’s appetite for reality is so small that local councils have felt the need to spend £300K on painting fake shopfronts on businesses that have closed down as a result of the 2008 financial collapse and the austerity policies imposed by G8 governments, always eager to dance to the tune of global corporations.

David Cameron wants to present himself as a leader on social justice, but  the policies he is actually pushing represent the usual G8 consensus, where corporate interests come first.

All over the world, social movements are imagining and creating real alternatives – from food sovereignty to fair and progressive taxation, from energy justice to comprehensive public services.

Join some great international speakers to discuss pressing issues such as the power of the finance sector; to debate what we in the UK can do about them; and to demand a real agenda for global justice which expresses our common humanity the world over.

Sessions will include:

  • Feeding the world in the 21st century: Do we need corporations?
  • What’s so wrong with neoliberalism?
  • ¡No a la mina! An introduction to anti-mining struggles
  • Carbon Capital: how the finance sector drives climate change
  • Not the G8: What does a real agenda for global justice look like?
  • Tax justice: Making corporations pay their share
  • Practical skills session on creativity and activism

Plus short films, campaign stalls and a global justice bookstall from Radish booksellers.

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