Drs vote to keep GP services free at point of care after Keep Our NHS Public lobbies conference

GPs have voted by a big majority of 224 to 59 with 4 abstentions to keep GP services free at the point of care.

Photo: Dr David Wrigley

Members of the public and Keep Our NHS Public lobbied GPs this morning as they attended the Local Medical Committees (LMC) Conference in York, telling them to vote against a Conference motion to explore the introduction of charges for GP services. Continue reading

Please tell GPs’ conference to keep GP services free at the point of use

On 22nd May, the Local Medical Committees (LMC) Conference in York will debate a motion that calls for discussions with the UK government about introducing charges for GP services in England and Wales. Local Medical Committees are independent bodies that represent GPs.

Downloadable letter to Calderdale GPs: make sure the NHS stays free at the point of need Continue reading