Despite the fact that London is the best-connected city in the world, aviation industry lobbyists have been putting about the story that unless the government decides to change its mind and allow a third runway at Heathrow, the UK will be left behind in the global economic scramble.
Motor Vehicle Sundown is an audio piece by Andy Field for two people stuck in a car in a traffic jam, that describes the dream drive through rolling fields and beautiful country….
You’re welcome to join the new Ride Share Group.
Here’s an interesting account of the joys of ride sharing that might hopefully inspire you.
Carshare website for people offering or looking for lifts
There’s also now an EnergyRoyd rideshare group for people in the Upper Calder Valley offering or asking for lifts.
The EU Observer reports that the European Court of Justice has ruled that EU plans to levy an emissions tax on airlines from 1 January are valid, and has dismissed a challenge to the tax by north American airlines. Under the scheme, airlines have to pay for 15% of their CO2 emissions. The figure rises to 18% in 2013-2020.