The Environment Agency website has advice for households on:
- making a personal flood plan
- preparing your property for flooding
- adaptations to homes to reduce interior damage from floodwater (see below)
- buying flood protection products
The Environment Agency website has advice for households on:
If you own land that could do with ecological restoration, though tree planting or moorland restoration – or you’d like to volunteer over the summer to carry out ecological surveys on Upper Calder Valley uplands or rivers, the SOURCE Open Evening on 16th July is for you.
Just turn up at Hebden Bridge Town Hall Terrace Room on Tuesday 16th July at 7 p.m for a free buffet, followed by presentations from all the SOURCE partner groups. Treesponsibility, the Calder and Colne Rivers Trust, Calder Future, BlackBark and other organisations will be there with information about how landowners and volunteers can take part in the SOURCE project. The event will close at 9pm.
Dr Chiara Tornaghi, ESRC Research fellow and Teaching Fellow at the School of Geography, University of Leeds, invites everyone to the next Urban Food Justice event, for either the morning or afternoon session, or both. It’s on Thursday 27th June, at Armley Mills Museums, from 10.30 to 4.30. Lunch is provided and it’s free to attend
Join UK campaigners calling on Cameron to withhold £395m in so-called ‘aid’!
African farmers’ movements and civil society groups have rejected the G8’s New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition as part of a “new wave of colonialism” targeting their food systems for corporate profit.
War on Want explains that this warning comes in a statement that the African Centre for Biosafety sent to G8 leaders on 3 June 2013 in advance of the `hunger summit’ hosted by David Cameron in London today (8 June). This includes a meeting of the G8‘s New Alliance.
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This Guardian video shows how to spot as die back in spring, and links to the Forestry Commission website for more info. If you see ash die back disease, the Forestry Commission would like you to report it