This gallery contains 20 photos.
I seem to have loaded the gallery 3 times by accident. Uh oh.
Medical herbalist Jesper Launder’s Mushroom meeting at 7.30pm on 14th July will delight ‘shroom heads, foodies and everyone who’s curious about the wonders of nature.
The public meeting, organised by Blackshawhead Environmental Action Team, will provide opportunities to get close up with a variety of fascinating fungi. Continue reading
One winter day, I was intrigued to see two cheeky brown pony head sculptures sniffing the air above the wall at the end of the road to Riverside School and the Post Office.
On the tow path the other side of the wall, the two ponies greeted me – bearing the weight of a wooden bench between them. They are enchantingly sturdy, elegant and cheerful. On their flanks, they are branded with the name of the artist – Lucy Casson – and Hargreaves Foundry in Halifax that cast the sculptures.
Nearly 20 years ago, I’d videotaped Lucy Casson making junk automata out of old Castrol oil cans scavenged from a dump, for an exhibition at the Wolf in the Door Gallery in Penzance. It had been fascinating to watch the process. Continue reading
This gallery contains 17 photos.
This gallery contains 8 photos.
May I introduce to you my daughter Caitlin’s creation Lord Philip? Leader in the field of psychedelic leggings dance. Continue reading
Many thanks to the Coop Community Fund for awarding Upper Plain Speaker a grant to pay for upgrading the website to a proper magazine format.
The manager of Hebden Bridge Coop will be presenting the cheque to us at Hebden Bridge Coop, 4pm on Thursday 10th April.
If anyone wants to come along that would be fun! Continue reading
Like a bursting seedpod, Vera Chytilova’s death on 12 March 2014 has scattered her humour, fury, sense of the absurd and brilliant filmmaking skills onto new ground.
New Daisies will spring up. Continue reading
The day after he died, Tony Benn’s words have so far made me laugh out loud twice. What a lovely thing to leave behind you. I hope they make you laugh too.
First off, he put up this plaque to Emily Wilding Davison in a House of Commons broom cupboard, without any official support or permission.
And he said,
“Ask the five powerful questions…”
Another gem that isn’t laugh out loud but I really think needs saying:
So long Tony Benn and thanks for all the fish.
Upper Calder Valley resident Paul Brannigan has just started managing a second-hand household items shop that will put all its profits into a registered charity to help people to recover from addictions.
Project Colt Enterprise Second Hand Household Items Shop, a social enterprise based in Bridgefield Mills on Elland Bridge, has a variety of used furniture and other household items for sale on two floors. Continue reading