Author Archives: jenny
Calderdale Council refuses to register Brown’s Field/Mytholm Works site as community asset
Calderdale Council has refused Incredible Edible Mytholm‘s nomination of the Mytholm Works site as a community asset. However, this has not deterred Incredible Edible Mytholm (IEM) from proceeding with their plans for Growing Futures.
If the nomination had been successful, this would have meant that if/when the owners of the site put it on the market, Calderdale Council would put the sale on hold for six months to allow Incredible Edible Mytholm time to set up a community-owned company, create a business plan and raise capital through a community share offer or similar means.
As it is, IEM will simply go ahead with preparing a business plan, in order to be prepared, should Setbray/Belmont Homes decide to put the site on the market.
Inspiration for proposed eco-hotel
Here are some possibilities for the proposed Ecohotel that Incredible Edible Mytholm would like to build on the Mytholm Works site, if the group is able to raise the money to buy the site and gain planning permission:
- a biodiversity green wall
- edible green screen (mostly growing hops for use in a local brewery and kiwi fruit vines)
- rainwater harvesting
(Just to clarify: the inspiration is the biodiversity green wall, edible green screen and rainwater harvesting – not the dreary 1990s-type building they’re adorning.)
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Please sign petition to protect internet freedoms
The International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) is highlighting the risks to internet freedoms, as a United Nations agency plans to adopt new rules. Without internet freedoms, it’s possible that you wouldn’t be reading this, or a lot of other information that you currently access online. The ITUC says,
“The internet as we know it is at risk. Unless we act now, our right to freely communicate and share information could change forever.
At a conference in Dubai this December, the International Telecommunications Union (or ITU), a United Nations agency, is planning to adopt new rules, including some nasty surprises which could clamp down on the fundamental freedoms of citizens online.
Big telecommunications corporations have joined with countries including China, Egypt and Saudi Arabia, countries that already impose heavy restrictions on internet freedoms, to put forward proposals to new treaty at the UN World Conference on International Telecommunications.
So far the proposal has flown under the radar, thanks to the secretive nature of the ITU, but its implications are so serious that we must act quickly to show the ITU and its member countries that citizens will not stand by while our right to communicate freely is undermined.
Please help by signing the petition from Going To Work and Equal Times from the International Trade Union Confederation.”
The ITUC reports that more than 15,000 people have signed the petition internationally now, and this is being noticed by many people involved in the upcoming UN World Conference on International Telecommunications (WCIT). This has had a positive impact, as the ITUC explains:
“It’s meant that we’ve had the opportunity today to present concerns in person at a meeting with the head of the UK delegation to the conference.
We had a positive exchange about many of the issues we’re particularly worried about. We were encouraged that the UK Government shares a number of our concerns, and will be sending a high level delegation comprising government, industry, and some civil society members to the conference.
We found a good degree of common ground, and think we’ll be able to work constructively with them on next week’s conference and the series of UN events following on from it. Other unions around the world are working to lobby their own country delegations, as are the ITUC internationally.
So there’s still all to play for at the WCIT conference, but we can prevent dictatorial governments using the UN process to help them monitor and censor the Net.”
So, please sign the petition and spread the word. The ITUC say,
“The more people who know about the decisions being taken next week in Dubai, the greater the public profile of the event, and the more pressure we can bring to bear on delegations.”
Brown’s Site – Wild at Heart
How does Brown’s Site (the Mytholm Works site) contribute to the wellbeing of the community? Although some people characterise the site as an “eyesore”, many people in Mytholm talk about enjoying the way the field is home to a wide variety of wildlife- from bats, birds, bees and butterflies to deer. They also appreciate it as a green space that serves as a lung to help clear the air pollution created by traffic on Kings Road. Being close to the site provides a sense of wellbeing for the people who enjoy the wildlife and the breathing space.
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Calderdale Planning and Highways Officer recommends refusal of Mytholm Works planning application
The Report by Calderdale Council’s Head of Planning and Highways recommends refusal of the planning application 12/01003/FUL, Construction of retail store, five storey hotel and hydro electric power station on the former Mytholm Works site in Hebden Bridge.
The Report has been prepared for Councillors on the Planning Committee. This will consider the Mytholm Works planning application at the 4th December Planning Committee meeting, in Halifax Town Hall. The meeting starts at 6pm.
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Planning committee meets 4th Dec 6pm to consider Mytholm Works site supermarket & hotel application
The Calderdale Council Planning Committee will consider the Setbray/Belmont Homes Mytholm Works supermarket and hotel planning application in Halifax Town Hall, at 6pm on 4th December.
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Social fairness- make Hebden Bridge a living wage town
Here’s hoping Hebden Royd Town Council will accept the recommendations of the York Fairness Commission and make Hebden a Living Wage Town.
The York Fairness Commission, set up by York Council to investigate how the Council can reduce social inequalities and increase fairness in York, has recommended that the Council should
“make York a Living Wage City and inspire Yorkshire to become a Living Wage Region”.
Meanwhile leases for community food growing land
Meanwhile leases are temporary leases that allow businesses to use property that’s lying vacant, often because the owners are waiting for the right time to develop it.
Objectors to Mytholm Works supermarket plan can learn from refusal of Asda appeal
The Planning Inspector has decided to refuse the appeal against a decision to refuse planning permission for a supermarket at Hope Street, Halifax Road Todmorden. He gave two reasons for this decision.
Here is the Planning Inspector’s ASDA decision (downloadable PDF file).
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