On 14th October LocalGiving.com started doubling up donations to local community groups, including Blackshaw Environmental Action Team (BEAT).
They have £500,000 to give away and on top of your doubled up donation you
can Gift Aid your donation if you are a tax payer, which will add an extra 25% to your
Community Foundation for Calderdale, (CFFC), has put an extra £7,000 in the pot for local
groups in Calderdale.
Finn Jensen from BEAT said,
“If you want to give more than £10 to BEAT we recommend that you set up a Direct Debit with a monthly donation of up to £10. This way it will be possible to have up to £60 doubled up, whereas if you gave one donation of say £60, only the first £10 will be doubled up. You can of course cancel any Direct Debit to BEAT when you have given the amount you want.
Remember to Gift Aid each donation if you are a tax payer. That way a £10 donation to BEAT via LocalGiving.com will be £21.55 to BEAT.
You can give your donation by using this link: http://localgiving.com/charity/beat. If you prefer not to pay this way you can give a cash donation to one of the BEAT officers who will send your money to Localgiving.com, for
example at the village clean-up this Saturday at 10.30am at the Chapel in Blackshaw Head.”