The People’s Commission that isn’t – Calderdale Council shies away from public hearing on hospital cuts and closures

On Monday 28th April, Calderdale Council Cabinet authorised the Chief Executive, in consultation with Party Leaders, to finalise the terms of reference for a People’s Commission on Health and Social Care, arrange for the Commission Panel to be established and arrange for the initial call for evidence.

The only thing is, what the Cabinet has set in motion doesn’t seem much like a People’s Commission.

A People’s Commission is a way for civil society to highlight unresolved violations of law, in a public hearing of evidence and testimony from anyone who’s affected. Continue reading

A great day in sunny Brighouse for Save our A&Es campaign

Calderdale NHS 38 Degrees group had a great morning in sunny Brighouse.  With 10 members on their information stall, they talked to the public, gave out leaflets and added
signatures to a petition to save Calderdale and Huddersfield A&E departments. Just short of 300 people signed the petition at the stall. Continue reading

Help build a legal challenge to Calderdale & Huddersfield NHS shake up

Philip Grey,  a regulatory lawyer at national law firm Mills & Reeve, has explained in
the Guardian Healthcare Professionals Network what NHS bodies must do to fulfill their
legal duty to involve the public at the planning stage of proposed reconfigurations, in
the development of specific proposals and in the decisions.

You can help build the case for a challenge to the Strategic Review by reading the list of what NHS bodies must and must not do and telling us if you are aware of any ways they have deviated from these requirements. Continue reading

Special Council meeting for CHFT Strategic Review motion- bang goes cross-party unity in defence of our NHS

Hey ho. Politicians, eh? Hopes of cross-party unity in defence of our NHS in Calderdale and Greater Huddersfield have withered faster than a plucked celandine.

First the LibDems and now the Tories have put forward amendments to the original Labour motion. This called on CHFT, Locala and SWYFPT to withdraw their Strategic Review and Strategic Outline Case for the transformation of the NHS and social care, and also called for some kind of Health and Social Care Commission to find out what a decent NHS and social care in the area should be like. Continue reading

Draft Terms of Reference for Calderdale and Greater Huddersfield People’s Commission of Inquiry into CHFT Strategic Review

Here are suggested Terms of Reference – what do you all think?

The Calderdale and Greater Huddersfield People’s Commission of Inquiry (hereinafter CHPCI ) shall examine the decision of CHFT,Locala and SWYFPT to issue a Strategic Review and Strategic Outline Case for the transformation of NHS and social care, that includes reducing and downgrading hospital services and replacing them with a cost-cutting system for integrated health and social care in the community that is not evidence based, and the context for this: the fundamental changes being made to the NHS over the last 40 years. Continue reading

What’s the rush? Calderdale NHS commissioners go ahead with Strategic Review “Engagement” despite not agreeing the Engagement Plan

Members of the public were puzzled and cross after attending the April 14th Calderdale Clinical Commissioning Group Governing Body meeting, where it seemed that the NHS commissioners had lost the plot over the Calderdale and Greater Huddersfield Strategic Review of the future of the NHS and social care.

Members of the public, including two Calderdale Councillors, attended the meeting to hear answers to questions they had sent to the Governing Body, and to find out about the Commissioners’ Strategic Review Engagement Plan. Continue reading

Moving care from hospitals to the community – an NHS privatisation wolf in sheep’s patient-centric clothing

There is a public outcry in Calderdale and Greater Huddersfield about cost-cutting proposals to close and curtail acute and emergency hospital services and replace them with cheaper, integrated health and social care in the community (whatever that might turn out to be, because it isn’t at all clear).

People worry  that, having downgraded the massively expensive Private Finance Initiative-funded Calderdale Royal Hospital to a small, planned care clinic with a minor injuries unit, the hospitals Trust would use the remaining three quarters of the hospital for private patients. Continue reading

Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS shake up is a top-down change, drawn up by pro-privatisation think tanks and management consultants

Government  (trying to wash its hands of unpopular hospital closures) likes to say it’s all about local decisions now, but funnily enough Calderdale’s local decisions look a lot like local decisions everywhere else.

Across England, NHS Trusts and Clinical Commissioning Groups are “reconfiguring” and “transforming” NHS and social care in very similar ways. Continue reading

Calderdale Clinical Commissioning Group Governing Body Meeting 10 April

Calderdale Clinical Commissioning Group Governing Body meeting, which is open to the public and press, is at 2-5pm, Thursday 10th April, in Shibden Meeting Room, F Mill, Dean Clough, Halifax.

Agenda and meeting documents are online here.

Upper Calder Valley Plain Speaker has emailed these questions for the Governing Body to answer at the meeting: Continue reading

Calder ward forum unpicked Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS spin

Growing disbelief and irritation were evident as around fifty people at yesterday’s Calder ward forum listened to a Calderdale Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) presentation on the Right Care Right Time Right Place (RCRTRP) proposals for the future of the NHS and social care in Calderdale and Huddersfield. Continue reading