Calderdale Clinical Commissioning Group meeting nods Strategic Outline Case through to its next stage

On 13th March, Calderdale Clinical Commissioning Group Governing Body gave the nod to proceed to the next stage of Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust’s Strategic Outline Case (SOC). This is about Transforming Calderdale and Greater Huddersfield’s NHS and social care services.

The SOC describes in outline what the future of the NHS and social care might look like in Calderdale and Huddersfield. It’s based on the Strategic Review’s proposals that came out towards the end of February.

The next stage for the Strategic Outline Case is public and staff “engagement.” Continue reading

Seeking your views on Strategic Outline Case proposals for social care in Calderdale

UCV Plain Speaker is shortly to run a new article about the Strategic Outline Case for transforming Calderdale and Greater Huddersfield NHS and social care.

If you are involved in social care in Calderdale in any way at all, the UCV Plain Speaker article would like to report your views about what the Strategic Outline Case proposes for the future of social care. There is an online survey further down this page, where you can say what you think.

The Strategic Outline Case (SOC) proposes to completely transform social care as well as the NHS in Calderdale and Greater Huddersfield. Continue reading

Halifax says only clowns would cut our NHS

Jeremy Hunt, listen up!  Halifax loves the NHS – the people united will never be defeated! (Especially by a bunch of clowns)

A brilliant crowd, made up of hundreds of people from babies to grannies, ambled through Halifax today to deliver the message that only clowns would close Calderdale A&E and cut our NHS. Continue reading

Closing the A&E where admissions are rising? Where’s the sense in that?

I’ve just come across the interesting fact that while Calderdale A&E admissions are higher than they were in 2008/9, admissions to Huddersfield Royal Infirmary A&E haven’t gone up over the same period.

So Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust’s  “preferred option” of closing Halifax A&E means closing the A&E where there are growing numbers of people who need emergency treatment. Where’s the logic in that? Continue reading

‘I made every mistake in the book but making mistakes is how you learn.’ The late, inspiring Tony Benn

The day after he died, Tony Benn’s words have so far made me laugh out loud twice. What a lovely thing to leave behind you. I hope they make you laugh too.

First off, he put up this plaque to Emily Wilding Davison in a House of Commons broom cupboard, without any official support or permission.




















And he said,

“Ask the five powerful questions…”


Another gem that isn’t laugh out loud but I really think needs saying:

So long Tony Benn and thanks for all the fish.

Questions to Calderdale CCG meeting today, 13th March 2014

These are the questions UCV Plain Speaker has asked Calderdale Clinincal Commissioning Group (CCG) to answer at the Governing Body meeting this afternoon, which is open to the public, 2-4pm, 5th Floor, F Mill, Dean Clough, Halifax. Continue reading

Lack of money stops #Calderdale Council’s air pollution monitoring

Sowerby Bridge resident Andrew Marsden received some staggering news when he asked Calderdale Environmental Health for the Council’s most recent Air Quality Management Report.

Andrew asked for this Report in the light of news that Calderdale Council could face fines of up to £1m/day for air pollution that still exceeds legal limits in parts of the Upper Calder Valley and other areas in the Borough. Continue reading

Second hand furniture shop funds addiction recovery charity

Upper Calder Valley resident Paul Brannigan has just started managing a second-hand household items shop that will put all its profits into a registered charity to help people to recover from addictions.

Project Colt Enterprise Second Hand Household Items Shop, a social enterprise based in Bridgefield Mills on Elland Bridge, has a variety of used furniture and other household items for sale on two floors. Continue reading

Banksters profit from Calderdale Royal Hospital PFI equity sales

Equity in the Calderdale Royal Hospital (CRH), which is notorious as one of the most costly and least accountable PFI schemes in the NHS, has changed hands 10 times.
According to the House of Commons Public Accounts Committee, PFI equity sales are,

“the unacceptable face of capitalism.”

The 10 CRH equity sales make it hard to know who actually owns the  debt that Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust has still to pay off, or the extent of equity holders’ profits, or what tax the equity holders paid – if any.

But the European Services Strategy Unit has managed to identify the companies involved in the equity sales. Continue reading

Calderdale Council could face £1m/day fine for Upper Calder Valley air pollution

Campaigners for sustainable transport in the Upper Calder Valley have welcomed news of
the European Commission’s (EC) recent legal proceedings against the UK government, for
its failure to cut excessive levels of nitrogen dioxide (NO2).

In Hebden Bridge, legal NO2 limits are regularly exceeded along the A646 from Bankfoot Terrace to Station Road.

The EC said the UK has broken commitments and now faces fines in the hundreds of millions of pounds.
Continue reading