Sunday 21st September – Lobby the Labour Party Conference to Save the NHS

999 Call For The NHS and Walk for the NHS  have both called for people to put pressure on all the political parties to adopt policies that will restore the NHS to its core founding principles and stop and reverse cuts and privatisation.

This is on the principle that no political party currently has policies that will stop the NHS cuts and sell offs. At the Trafalgar Square rally at the end of the Jarrow to London People’s March, Darlo mum Jo Adams said,

“The only people we can trust with the NHS is each other.”

On Sunday 21st September at 2.30pm, people are lobbying the Labour Party Conference in Manchester to Save the NHS. All are welcome to take part. Continue reading

#Hebden Bridge independent retailers invited to Phlok to Shop Local event this evening

Phlok, a company that runs a digital loyalty scheme via its social media website, invites all local independent retailers and business owners to attend a Shop Local event in Waterfront Hall, Hebden Bridge Town Hall on Wednesday, September 3rd, from 6pm to 8pm.

The event, which is fully owned by Phlok, is an open public meeting to give independent businesses a chance to find out more about Phlok’s digital loyalty scheme that aims to encourage people to ‘shop local’.

The Phlok website shows that business starter packages for low customer volumes or a business with low purchase incentive points start at €49/month.  The small business package starts at €69/month and the premium business package at €99/month. Continue reading

Tales from Walk for the NHS – stop cuts and sell offs that hurt patients and staff

Walk for the NHS set off from Calderdale Royal Hospital on Friday 22nd August, arrived at Huddersfield Royal Infirmary around midday and after a rally in George Square Huddersfield,  carried on to Dewsbury District Hospital. We arrived in the early evening to a great welcome from Save Dewsbury Hospital campaigners, the GMB, and Mike Wood MP. Continue reading

Hebden Bridge says No to Big Bad Treaty that would end the NHS

By mid afternoon on Saturday 30th August, over a hundred Hebden Bridge residents and visitors had signed the 38 Degrees Petition to Stop the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) Deal at a stall in St George’s Square.

If the government signs up to the Treaty, this will effectively end the NHS, by opening it up to international trade laws that give private health care corporations more power than governments.

The NHS is already being damaged by cuts and privatisation. This process would accelerate, irreversibly, if the government signs up to TTIP.

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#Calderdale Council Health Scrutiny Panel in private unscheduled meeting this evening

In response to a question from Plain Speaker, the Chair of Calderdale Council’s Adults Health and Social Care Scrutiny Panel has confirmed that the Panel is to hold a private meeting on Monday 1st September at 6pm in Halifax Town Hall.

The meeting is not on the official Council calendar, nor on the printed sheet which was issued on 28 August listing amendments to committees for the period 1 September to 1 October.

Neither the Council’s Democratic Services Manager, other Councillors who are not on the Scrutiny Panel, nor the public had been told about it. Continue reading

Calderdale Council Scrutiny Panel steps up to a democratic investigation of NHS shake up plans

We have some good news, thanks to the 118 members of the public who signed Plain Speaker’s petition to the Scrutiny Panel, to the Scrutiny Panel themselves, and to Calderdale 38 Degrees NHS Campaign Group, Calderdale Trades Council and other members of the public who lobbied the Scrutiny Panel meetings. Continue reading

Public will have no say in #Calderdale NHS and social care shake up, if NHS chiefs get their way

In a dramatic move, Calderdale’s NHS Commissioners have decided to shelve public consultation on the proposed NHS shake up.

At a meeting on 14th August, they batted aside a letter from Councillor Malcolm James, Chair of Calderdale Council’s Adults Health and Social Care Scrutiny Panel, that asked Calderdale’s NHS Commissioners not to make any decisions about community health services that have not been subject to sufficient consultation with the public, or that lead to significant service variations and changes.

Now both Huddersfield and Calderdale NHS Commissioners intend to go ahead with all the community care service changes proposed in the Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS  shake-up plans, without any public consultation. Continue reading

Walk for the NHS on August 22nd and 23rd – Used by us, Owned by us, Loved by us. Now the NHS can only be saved by us.

Only Clowns Would Close Our A&Es, is the message from members of the public who are Walking for the NHS from Calderdale Royal Hospital to Pinderfields Hospital, via Huddersfield Royal Infirmary and Dewsbury District Hospital on 22nd and 23rd August.

The aim of Walk for the NHS is to make all 3 NHS Trust Chiefs aware that the public will not accept any downgrading of services, loss of services or back door privatisation of our NHS.

Let alone their intention of preventing any public consultation on plans to shake up the NHS in Calderdale.

Walk for the NHS will join up with the national Call 999 for the NHS People’s March when both groups arrive at Pinderfields hospital at 3.30pm on Saturday 23rd August.

Everyone is welcome to join some or all of the Walk for the NHS feeder march on any of the stages. Continue reading

(Non) answers to public questions to #Calderdale NHS commissioners Governing Body meeting 14th August

These are Plain Speaker’s and Calderdale 38 Degrees NHS Campaign Group’s questions to the Calderdale Clinical Commissioning Group Governing Body meeting on 14th August – updated with the answers. Continue reading

SOS Hebden Bridge will object to Sainsbury’s Local application at 16th September Planning Meeting

The Sainsbury’s Local application for Valley Road Hebden Bridge is going to the Planning Committee on 16th September, where the Officers are recommending Approval.

All the people who objected will be informed in writing by Calderdale Council and this will include what time it will be heard. This notice will arrive at least 5 days before 16th September. The Planning Committee meeting is in Halifax Town Hall. Continue reading