Report of “a fixed mindset whereby no other options are open to consideration” at drop-in on NHS plans

This report on the Mytholmroyd public drop-in session about the future of Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS is by Rosemary Hedges, Secretary of Calderdale 38 Degrees NHS. (For readers who don’t know about the proposed NHS “right care” shake up, there … Continue reading

Slaithwaite resident says ‘future of A&Es’ drop in session was like wrestling with fog

“RIGHT CARE, RIGHT TIME, RIGHT PLACE” REPORT ON SLAITHWAITE CONSULTATION 30.5.2014 Martin Jones, a Slaithwaite resident, reports on his experience of the Slaithwaite public drop in session yesterday (30th May) about the future of Calderdale and Huddersfield hospitals and community … Continue reading

Member of public loses will to live after attending Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS drop in

A member of the public who attended the “Right Care” drop in session at Salendine Nook YMCA earlier this week was disappointed in its vagueness and its poor advertising, which meant hardly anyone attended. The drop ins are supposed to … Continue reading

Will you help to monitor Calderdale & Huddersfield drop in sessions on NHS shake-up?

Plain Speaker is gathering info about how Calderdale and Greater Huddersfield Clinical Commissioning Groups carry out their “engagement” process for the Strategic Review/Right Care Right Time Right Place proposals. This is to see if they are complying with their legal … Continue reading

Calderdale Councillors unite in call for NHS Trust to drop A&E downgrade proposals and listen to People’s Panel

The public seats were full at a Special Council meeting on 16th April, where Councillors unanimously passed a motion calling on Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust, Locala and the South West Yorkshire Foundation Partnership Trust to withdraw their Strategic … Continue reading

Does Calderdale Health & Wellbeing Board know what it’s doing with NHS Sustainability and Transformation Plans?

On 25 August, Calderdale Health and Wellbeing Board meeting discussed 3 documents about Sustainability and Transformation Plans, in order to decide whether to accept the following recommendations that the Health and Wellbeing Board had previously made at a private, un-minuted … Continue reading

A month on, still waiting for Calderdale Health & Wellbeing Board answers to Sustainability and Transformation Plan questions

There were 15 minutes for public questions at the 25th August Calderdale Health and Wellbeing Board meeting, which discussed recommendations about the Calderdale Sustainability and Transformation Plan (STP), from a private meeting on 11th August between the Health and Wellbeing … Continue reading

Protest secret plans to cut and further privatise NHS – Halifax Town Hall, Thursday 25 August, 9.30am.

A secret process to cut and further privatise NHS services is charging ahead across England. It goes under the name of Sustainability and Transformation Plans (STPs). England has been divided into 44 Sustainability and Transformation Plan ‘footprints’ which must make … Continue reading

Clinical Commissioners’ monkey business stymies public scrutiny of key consultation documents

At the Kafka-esque Scrutiny meeting on 29th January, the Clinical Commissioning Groups’ monkey business meant that there was no consultation document on the hospital cuts for Calderdale and Kirklees Joint Health Scrutiny Committee (JHSC) members to scrutinise. Today (4th February), … Continue reading