Reclaim our NHS march and rally in York, April 6th

Yorkshire and Humberside Reclaim Our NHS are  organising a march and rally in York on April 6th between 12 and 2pm, to mark the first anniversary of the Health and Social Care Act and bring to broader public attention what has been happening to the NHS in the last twelve months, specifically the privatisation and fragmentation of health services and the impact of budget cuts.

It doesn’t matter what you wear, just as long as you are there…
The march will assemble at 12 noon at York Minster, set off by 12.30 and end with a rally in St. Sampson’s Square  from 1ish to 2pm. The organisers say,
“We are aiming to have a lively march with balloons, music and some costumes .If you can bring banners, homemade placards and a little razmatazz, that would be brilliant. If you are in a position to assist with costs, that would enable us to provide some coach transport. The train is easy and very flexible but costs about £12 full fare. Cheques can be made payable to Leeds Keep Our NHS Public and sent to the above address.” 
NHS staff and trades unions to speak at rally
The rally will be addressed by John Puntis, paediatrician and activist  in Leeds “Keep Our NHS Public” and also we hope by Professor John Ashton, previously Director of Public Health in Cumbria and Dermot Rathbone, chair  of “Save Our NHS Hull and East Yorkshire”.   A representative from the Unison workers  at mid Yorks Hospitals who have recently been on strike will be on the platform and a Labour Party representative has been invited.  The Archbishop of York is unable to attend but has sent a very supportive message.
Planning meeting on Monday March 18th in York
People are welcome to come along to the third and final planning meeting for the demonstration. The meeting will be at 7pm in The Golden Ball Pub, 2 Cromwell Rd York, YO1 6DU on Monday March 18th.

One thought on “Reclaim our NHS march and rally in York, April 6th

  1. Just back in Hull from the march in York. Very inspiring to see the people we passed receiving our leaflets and some of them clapping us.
    We need to keep up the momentum and do this very regularly.
    Thanks to all the speakers, particulary Dermot Rathbone, who only came back from 5 days in a London hospital yesterday, and came to address us even though his treatment leaves him tired
    The band who led us were wonderful and make all the difference in drawing attention to the cause we are fighting for..

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