Calder High escapes sponsored academy clutches

June Eaton, who organised the anti-sponsored academy petition to Education Secretary Michael Gove MP and a letter to Prime Minister David Cameron,  reports that yesterday (8th March) Calder High School sent parents a letter. The good news being, said June, that

there is no longer a requirement that the school becomes a sponsored academy.

Parents’ meeting at CHS on Wednesday 13th March
Calder High  parents are invited to a meeting at 7.30pm next Wednesday evening to discuss the Ofsted report, and hear about  “plans for the future of the school“.

June Eaton said,

“Great relief that the forced sponsored academy threat seems to have gone but we await next week’s meeting to see what is proposed for the future.”

All Calder Ward councillors supported the campaign

There has so far been no response from Westminster politicians to any of the letters – although all the Calderdale Councillors involved in education and/or representing Calder Ward who were approached by the anti-academy campaigners responded to their emails and supported the campaign.

The NUT website has information about forced academy status and how to resist it.

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