In case anyone is interested in the details of information arising from the Environmental Information Regulations requests I have made to Natural England & the Department of the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) in relation to Walshaw Moor Estate, here is the current EIR_Summary.
Blog Archives
Wildlife filmmaker Rebecca Hosking’s BBC doc, Farm for the Future
The power of social media
Enough to “make Nick Clegg throw his toys out of the pram.” Chris Heaton-Harris MP says 30,000 social media activist members of 38 Degrees helped force Clegg to stand strong on climate targets.
Plebs occupy Andrew Mitchell’s office in protest at Autumn budget statement
Find out more on the Bright Green website
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Planning Inspector nixes Tod Asda – harm to town would outweigh benefits
An appeal against Calderdale Council’s refusal to approve the development of an Asda supermarket on Hope Street, Halifax Road, Todmorden has concluded unsuccessfully. On 13th November the Inspector in charge of the Inquiry and appeal issued his decision to dismiss the appeal.
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Militarisation of the Arctic in rush for oil and gas
Energygate!Tory plot to ditch Climate Change Act
Watch this Greenpeace video about a Yes Men-type revelation of a Tory plot to undo the Coalition commitments on green energy and climate change mitigation, as well the the Climate Change Act. And there’s a petition to sign too.
Ash die back info from Woodland Trust
Info here about what you can do about Ash Die Back disease