Here is the link to the Superhome Locator, which you can search for super-retrofitted homes nearby that are open to the public. May be inspiring if you’re looking to retrofit your home to increase energy efficiency and add some ecobling.
Blog Archives
Last chance to sign petition against forced academy status & Why Gove must go demo
The organiser of the petition against the forced academisation of Calder High has asked for signed petitions to be returned to her by Monday 18th February. So this is a last-minute call for signatures! You can download and sign the petition here, and also find the address to send the petition to.
At this late date, it’s probably a good idea to email her to say the signed petition’s in the post, otherwise it’ll miss the deadline.
Here is the link to Calderdale Energy Future Panel minutes & docs
If you want to see what Calderdale Energy Future Panel are up to, here’s the link to their webpage.
Protect our NHS – Red Pepper online articles tell it like it is
Protect our NHS – online articles we like:
The Health Hurricane-A Year of Destruction in the NHS
All from the excellent Red Pepper
A Polite Revolution
An inspiring occupation of a library in Barnet that caused the Tory “privatise everything” Council to backtrack and reopen the library instead of selling it off. Excellent video by Oonagh Cousins, Revolting Productions.
However, the people’s victory, though real, is partial – the Council has handed over the building to a local group who will run the library on a voluntary basis. So no librarians and no wages, and presumably, no money to buy books.
A Polite Revolution from Oonagh Cousins on Vimeo.
New “follow” plugin- you may need to sign up again for email updates
Sorry, but the old plugin to sign up for email updates has died and people haven’t been receiving email updates of new posts.
I’ve installed a new plugin. I think people who had signed up for email updates with the old plugin will need to sign up again to receive email updates.
Communities buying land training day…
Incredible Edible Mytholm want to buy the Mytholm Works site to create a Growing Future, so this Community Land Advice group’s Communities Buying Land training day is interesting – too late to go, but they also have useful info on their website about leases including meanwhile leases…
Here is the Meanwhile Project website.
Societies beyond Oil – new book out by John Urry
Zed Books is publishing a new book by Lancaster Uni Prof John Urry, that looks like a must-read.
The crimes of large corporations
An interview with activist Brid Brennan, of the Economic Justice and Alternatives Program of the Transnational Institute, of the Netherlands (TNI).
House of Lords averts Farmageddon
Last week the House of Lords voted to put on hold the ConDem government’s plan to abolish the Agricultural Wages Board (AWB). They intend to scrutinise the proposal, which would open the door for supermarkets and agribusinesses to cut farm workers’ already low wages.
Unite, the Trade Union, said, Continue reading