Spy Cops “Deep Deception” meeting with Helen Steel, Hebden Bridge Trades Club 10th April

Calderdale Trades Union Council is holding a public meeting at 2pm on 10th April at Hebden Bridge Trades Club, with  “Deep Deception” co-author Helen Steel and Undercover Policing Inquiry (UCPI) core participant Mark Metcalf, a National Union of Journalists delegate to Calderdale Trades Council.

McLibel campaigner Helen Steel tells the story of ‘the spycops network’ and the women like herself who uncovered the shocking truth about shadowy undercover policing set up to to spy on protesters in mainly left-wing and progressive groups.

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Conservationist Mark Avery tells Hebden Bridge Ban the Burn meeting driven grouse shooting can’t go on

Hebden Bridge resident Myra James reports on Mark Avery’s talk at the Trades Club on 14th October 2015

Conservationist and campaigner Mark Avery came to Hebden Bridge Trades Club to speak to a sizeable audience, hosted by Ban the Burn, about his new book, Inglorious: Conflict in the Uplands and his campaign for driven grouse shooting to be banned. Continue reading

Commemorate 30 year anniversary of miners strike at Trades, 12th March

Calderdale Trades Council are commemorating 30 years since the miners’ strike, on 12th March at the Trades Club Hebden Bridge.

This will be Calderdale Trades Council’s first big public event, so please put this date in your diary, and help them to make it a success.