Hebden Bridge and other Calderdale GP practices’ patient data systems are unlawful

Hebden Bridge Group Practice and other GP practices in Calderdale use an electronic patient data system called TPP SystmOne that has an “enhanced data sharing” system that shares confidential patient data outside the GP practice eg with hospitals, care homes and community services.

Flaws in the system mean data protection is being breached as the sharing system gives access to our shared data to thousands of “authorised users” within the NHS, which is not what is supposed to happen. It should just go to whatever other NHS departments are treating you, in addition to your GP.

Update 13.10.208 TPP SystmOne made changes to its data sharing functionality in early 2018 and NHS England and NHS Digital sent these recommendations to GPs and asked them all to carry them out asap. In March 2019 the Information Commissioner’s Office stated the issue had been resolved to its satisfaction.

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