Thanks to everyone who visited Energy Royd in August


Over the last 28 days, there were 2,002 visitors to Energy Royd.

1,589 were unique visitors

1,268 were new visitors.

There was a big spike of 280 visitors in one day in early August and 143 people came from a tweet. I think this was probably from George Monbiot retweeting news about the start of the Ban the Burn campaign.

There was also a spike of around 150 visitors on August 12th, when I was live blogging the Ban the Burn launch. The most popular pages throughout August were about the Ban the Burn campaign and related issues, apart from the post on Green Deal – a public private partnership too far, which 54 people read. I hope more people will read this, because it’s an issue that Leeds City Region is making policy decisions about now and mostly, people don’t seem aware of what’s going on.

53 people registered to create an account, but I accidentally deleted all the A-I names a few days ago, sorry.

52 visits came from a link to Energy Royd in the Guardian Northerner blog, 13 from a link in New Internationalist and 41 from a link in Hebweb.