Defra wants your response to proposed merger of Natural England & Environment Agency

Defra’s Triennial Review proposes to merge Natural England and the Environment Agency.

Defra is inviting anyone with an interest in Natural England and the Environment Agency to respond by 4th February 2013 to a discussion paper which proposes to merge the two agencies. This follows considerable cuts to Natural England’s funding in the Coalition government’s first Comprehensive Spending Review, and the removal of the agency’s power to make policy. The Coalition government has also already cut 27% of Environment Agency funding, stopping 294 planned flood prevention schemes from going ahead – including one at Walsden Water.
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RSPB asks European Commission to investigate Natural England’s “probably unlawful” activities regarding Walshaw Moor Estate

After six months of investigation, the RSPB has decided that Natural England has failed in its duties to enforce wildlife and habitat protection laws on Walshaw Moor Estate, and has asked the European Commission to step in.

Mike Clarke, RSPB chief executive, said

The decision to lodge this complaint has not been taken lightly, but this is a vitally important issue which centres on the Government’s statutory duty to protect our natural environment.

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Ban the Burn blanket bog walk 23rd September

All are invited to join a Ban the Burn walk around the Walshaw Dean area of Walshaw Moor Estate on Sunday 23rd September. The walk will be an opportunity for people who want to see the site and haven’t been before.

Here’s Natural England’s map of this unit of the Site of Special Scientific Interest:

The map shows that Heather Hill and units 48 and 51 to each side of it are in unfavourable condition and not recovering (no change)

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MEP checks out damaged blanket bog

Dodging the odd rainstorm the  LibDem MEP for Yorkshire and Humberside, Rebecca Taylor, today walked to the blanket bog on Walshaw Moor with Ban the Burn campaigners, to see for herself how draining and burning have damaged this valuable habitat.

Rebecca Taylor MEP (left) hearing about the Ban the Burn campaign from Keith Wilson and Dongria Kondh

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Read Heather Trust Director’s blog about Ban the Burn!


Simon Thorp, the Director of the Heather Trust, has blogged about Ban the Burn, under the title National Campaign against moorland bog-burning.  The thing I like about his blog is that he responds to comments and there’s a bit of a dialogue in the comments on the post. He says in a reply in the comments section that his work for The Heather Trust includes working with the IUCN UK Peatland Programme and he runs the Peatland Working Group in Scotland, and that

I am all for healthy peatland and active bogs, but I think we need to be careful about how we achieve this.”

Press release – Ban the Burn!

Please distribute and publish this press release as widely as possible.

On Sunday  August 12th, flood-hit residents of Hebden Bridge and campaigners from across the country will set out from St George’s Square in the town centre on a BAN THE BURN protest walk to the Walshaw Moor grouse-shooting estate. Following the walk, at 6pm the BAN THE BURN national campaign launch will take place at Hebden Bridge Trades Club.
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Join a family-friendly walk to Walshaw Moor & help lessen valley flood risks

On August 12th (the “Glorious Twelfth”, that marks the official start of the grouse-shooting season) there will be a “BAN THE BURN” Walk to Walshaw Estate, leaving from Hebden Bridge at 9.30 am.

Plans for the walk include offer of accommodation and a meal at the Trades Club

This will be a very mellow, family friendly event. The walk will stick to public footpaths, and there will be a shorter route accessible by public transport.

Walkers can stay at Blake Dean hostel for Saturday and Sunday nights, and space is also available in the Hebden Hostel. It should be a really fun weekend.

The walk will be followed by a Campaign Launch and meal in the Trades Club from 5pm.  PLEASE, PLEASE COME IF YOU CAN!  BRING YOUR FAMILY AND FRIENDS! LET PEOPLE KNOW!

The walk’s demand: a total ban on blanket bog burning

Walshaw Moor is owned by a local businessman, Richard Bannister, who bought it in 2002 and acquired the adjoining 4,000-acre Lancashire Moor in 2005. The Daily Telegraph has reported that

“Under his stewardship the estate has gone from producing 100 brace of grouse a season to 3,000… …Around 70 per cent of his estate is covered by blanket bog and keepers operate system of ‘cool burning’, following the flames and spraying water to prevent damaging peat and moss”

Dying sphagnum moss on Walshaw Moor burnt blanket bog

The walk is campaigning for a total ban on burning on blanket bogs,  for these reasons:

  • To minimize flood risks to Hebden Bridge, the tops need to be managed to promote healthy blanket bog – not burnt to keep heather at the right height for breeding and rearing red grouse.
  • The government isn’t protecting the country’s peatland carbon sinks. Walshaw is not an isolated case – the latest data on the condition of Blanket Bog within Sites of Special Scientific Interest in England found that only 11% by area are in favourable condition, although 83% is in recovering condition mainly on the basis of management agreements and other measures in place. Primary reasons cited for unfavourable (no change or declining) condition are overgrazing, inappropriate “moor burning” and drainage.
  • The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) UK Committee’s Peatland Programme reports estimates that 10 million tonnes of carbon dioxide are being lost each year from the UK’s damaged peatlands.  This has serious implications for worsening climate change. A recent Commission of Inquiry on Peatlands reports that

“A loss of only 5% of UK peat carbon would equate to the total annual UK human green house gas emissions.”