20’s Plenty For Calderdale Campaign Launches

Activists for 20 mph speed limits for residential roads, without speed bumps or other physical calming, have launched a Calderdale campaign.

Myra James, the 20’s Plenty for Calderdale lead activist, said,

“Experience from areas which have 20mph speed limits shows that this brings 22% fewer casualties and means a 12% reduction in fuel use – which also reduces pollution and climate change gas emissions

20’s Plenty for Calderdale joins over 120 grass roots campaigns around the country. Many national organisations also support the campaign . These include cyclists groups, public health groups and medical organisations which see a variety of health benefits from 20’s Plenty.

Myra James said,

“Local politicians decide local road speeds.  20’s Plenty for Calderdale aims to convince Calderdale Councillors that 20 mph limits make sense and are popular in our borough. We will soon be launching a petition to demonstrate public support. It’s worth remembering that the 30 mph urban speed limit dates to 1934 when there were fewer than 2 million motor vehicles. There are over 33m today.”

Please get in touch to find out more, join for free or to help. You can contact 20’s Plenty for Calderdale via Calderdale@20splentyforus.org.uk or 01422 845131.

Costs and benefits

Implementing a 20mph limit costs from £2 per person or £1,400 per km when done area-wide. Some roads can be exempted, where merited.

Set against the costs are far bigger savings and benefits. 20 mph limits are good for the environment and save drivers and society money.  20 mph pilot schemes in Warrington saved an estimated 800% of the scheme’s costs, through the casualties avoided.  Drivers who stick to 20mph limits brake and accelerate less, and use 12% less fuel. This means reductions in pollution, bringing many health benefits, as well as lower climate change gas emissions.

Several local authorities already have 20mph limits for all residential roads, without the need for road humps or other physical measures. Over 8 million people live in places like Oxford, Bristol, Islington, Newcastle, Warrington and Lancashire who are committed to 20 mph residential limits.

Their experience shows that this makes roads a lot safer. Two years after 94% of Portsmouth’s roads went 20 mph there were 22% fewer casualties. At 20 mph, many collisions are either avoided or the crash impact is less.

With 20mph limits in place, people are more like to leave the car at home and walk, cycle or use public transport instead, cutting traffic congestion.  This brings massive savings to society from more active lifestyles.  Parents are freed from some time-consuming trips and children gain independent skills.

A British Social Attitudes Survey conducted annually over the last 10 years consistently found 75% support 20 mph limits in residential areas, including 72% of drivers.

It seems that 20’s Plenty for Calderdale is likely to find it’s pushing at an open door!

2 thoughts on “20’s Plenty For Calderdale Campaign Launches

  1. Where is the enfocemet? A shed load of money has been spent on signs but without some severe enforcement of the signed limits what was your purpose?

    • Please don’t shoot the messenger! All we did is report on the start of the 20s Plenty speed limits. Enforcement is nothing to do with us. As far as I know, West Yorkshire Police are responsible for enforcing the 20mph speed limit, so your best bet if you want to ask where the enforcement is, is probably to ask the Police. Here is the link to their contact info. https://www.westyorkshire.police.uk/contact-us

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