One thought on “This is why we’re walking for the NHS in August

  1. Yes I agree only clowns would close our A&E’s, or those who believe our IQ is none existent. Just been reading in our local paper about a practices patients who is having difficulties with appointments, four doctors announcing their retirement, two on maternity leave and cannot get replacements, no-one wants the be practitioner, this is music to the Governments ears. There sole intention is to remove the old guard in the Doctor profession,many doctors walking early at a great cost of expertise to the NHS and patients alike, result paying more for in -experience and part time practitioners. Most Doctor practices went along with it not daring to stick their heads above the parapet, forced kicking and screaming into the abyss, only faced with one option- to retire.
    Doctors could end the privatize program to morrow, by pulling out, its only being speared on by a very few self serving -greedy individuals. One Could Go On

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