SOS Hebden Bridge, variously named as Save Our Shops Hebden Bridge or Sod Off Sainsbury’s Hebden Bridge, is calling on people who don’t want to see a Sainsbury’s Local on the site of the old fire station on Valley Road to write letters asap to Calderdale Council Planning Committee, objecting to the Sainsbury’s planning application.
Sainsbury’s planning application, Ref 13/01542/FUL is on the Calderdale Planning Portal, here.
Hebden Royd Town Council will consider the Sainsbury’s Local Planning Application at it Council Meeting on Weds 29th January – 7.30pm, Hebden Bridge Town Hall. The Public can speak about the Planning Application at this meeting.
Here is Calderdale Council’s info on how to object to a planning application.
SOS Hebden Bridge is also looking for someone who likes tweeting to run their twitter campaign against the Sainsbury’s Hebden Bridge planning application.
If anyone is tweeting or retweeting about the topic, SOS Hebden Bridge hopes you will use the hash tag #SOShebdenbridge.
The link to the planning app still seems to be out of action…cunning that!
Well it is Sunday – maybe check back on Monday when Council staff are back at work?