Public Meeting of NHS Calderdale Clinical Commissioning Group 2pm, Weds 14th November.

Calderdale Clinical Commissioning Group’s Governing Body will meet will in public, 2-4pm on Wednesday 14th November at Dean Clough,  Shibden Meeting Room.

This is on the 5th floor of F Mill, Dean Clough, Halifax HX3 5AX.

Members of Calderdale NHS 38 Degrees will attend, as usual. Calderdale NHS 38 Degrees are meeting at 1pm on Thursday 14th November, one hour before the CCG meeting, in the little cafe next to the the NHS headquarters at Dean Clough.

All members of the public  are welcome to meet up with the group at the cafe referred to, above.


Key agenda items include:

    • To approve the procurement process and award a contract for Quest for Quality in Care Homes – Multi-Disciplinary Teams  – no report is available on the website
    • Review of unplanned care in Calderdale – this relates to the Tod and Halifax walk in centres – the Review recommends a public consultation on four possible options for  improving unplanned health care services in Calderdale. These are outlined in the section Unplanned Health Care Review, below
    • Final agenda item is EXCLUSION OF THE PUBLIC- It is recommended that the following resolution be passed: “That representatives of the press and other members of the public be excluded  from the remainder of this meeting, having regard to the confidential nature of the business to be transacted, publicity on which would be prejudicial to the public interest”

It would be good to know what this confidential business is.

Come prepared! Meeting documents are downloadable from the CCCG website

The papers for next week’s CCG meeting are  on the Calderdale CCG website.

These include the  Agenda, Minutes of the last Meeting, Review of Unplanned Care in Calderdale and also the Chief Officer’s Report, that summarises all the ongoing work of the CCG.


Review of Unplanned Health Care services in Calderdale

The Report recommends a public consultation on the following four options for future unplanned health care services. The fourth option is preferred.

1. Commission walk in centre provision to replicate the existing arrangements

(Commission a walk in service: 8am to 7pm Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm Saturday, and 8am to 6pm Sunday at Park Ward; and 8am to 7pm Monday to Friday, and 8am to 6pm Saturday in Todmorden Ward – in line with existing arrangements).

2. Commission walk in centre provision to replicate the interim walk in service

(Commission a walk-in service at weekends and Bank Holidays only (8am to 8pm) in Todmorden and Park Wards – in line with the planned interim service)

3. De-commission the walk-in centres and do nothing else

(De-commission the walk-in centre provision in Todmorden and Park Wards entirely and do not replace them with any other service. Use the money saved to fund other services).

4. Develop an unplanned care offer for individual localities within Calderdale in line with identified health needs (Develop a new model of unplanned care in localities in Calderdale – based on the needs of each individual locality. This option would include improving access to primary care and community-based services, and would include re-investment of funding currently invested in walk-in services as well as other additional investment…)

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