Myra James, of 20’s Plenty in Calderdale, is asking people to consider signing the 20’s Plenty EU Citizens’ Initiative.
The Citizen’s Initiative needs 1million signatures by 12th November 2013, so that 20’s Plenty can require the EU Commissioner to consider their call for the EU to set a a 30km/h (20mph) EU-wide default speed limit for urban/residential areas. Local authorities may set other speed limits if they can show how environmental and safety needs of the most vulnerable road users are met.
Road Safety Week is coming up
6th to 12th May is UN Global Road Safety Week, and 20’s Plenty in Calderdale is drawing attention to the fact that if the European Union lowered residential speed limits, this would make the roads a lot safer. They are hoping a lot of people will sign the Citizen’s Initiative.
Thousands of people have died or been injured in avoidable collisions on residential streets. Road crash is the top cause of avoidable death for our 5-30 year olds.
With her Incredible Edible Mytholm hat on, Myra was out yesterday with Hebden Royd Primary School Gardening Club. The children were planting apple trees on their playing field on King Street. This is a typical street that would benefit from a 20pmh speed limit, especially since it’s close to a school and Mytholm Meadows sheltered accommodation.
20‘s Plenty says,
“Everyone, whatever age or level of health, should be able to walk along their home street without fear. Up to third of UK Councils are implementing 20mph limits, or seriously considering it. But it’s a postcode lottery. April saw a cross party committee of MPs insist that 20mph limits for residential roads is essential to Get Britain Cycling. Experts and European politicians are calling for immediate action. Speed is greed when it prevents the vulnerable from getting around. If we build a huge petition now, we can push the European Commission to put our health and environment first before the selfish drivers and road lobby and prevent rat running.”