Incredible Edible Mytholm surveys business impacts of proposed supermarket & hotel

Incredible Edible Mytholm (IEM) members and supporters braved the snow on Sunday afternoon to deliver Hebden Bridge Retailers Survey questionnaires to 77 town centre businesses.

Judi,Myra and Chris on Market Street, with the Hebden Bridge Retailers Survey

The survey aims to find out what impacts businesses think the proposed supermarket and hotel development at the Mytholm Works site will have on them and their local suppliers. IEM is carrying out the Survey with assistance from Chris Beebe, the Coop’s Planning Manager North.

If your town centre business hasn’t received a questionnaire and would like one, plus a SSAE, please use the contact form to request one, and include your postal address. (IEM will deliver questionnaires to shops that were closed on Sunday.)

First impressions – most are opposed to development

On a snowy Market Street, Myra James, Chris Drake and Judi Grimley paused to compare notes about what businesses were telling them.

Myra, who’s produced the questionnaire together with Chris Beebe, said,

“Quite a few people’s immediate response is that the development would damage the town centre. A lot of people feel they’d like a better supermarket – but most of them would rather the Coop improved than bring in a new supermarket.”

I asked Hebden Bridge Coop to respond to this. An Assistant Manager told me they’re not allowed to talk to the press but I could ask Head Office to comment. I’ll do so – I think the Depot Replenishment Manager may be the person to ask, since empty shelves seems to be the main customer complaint.

Chris Drake said,

“A few people have said, ‘Thanks for doing this.’ All the evidence from other towns points that a new edge-of-town supermarket won’t bring business to the town. And people in Hebden Bridge can’t make a decision based on information because there isn’t any. The proposed development is speculative – there’s no supermarket lined up to move into this development.”

And Judith said,

“Most people I’ve delivered questionnaires to are opposed to the development.”

You can find out more about Incredible Edible Mytholm here.

The survey results will be posted here as soon as they’re available.

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