Report on North Halifax public drop in session on future of Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS

Janet Bertola attended the  public “engagement” drop in session about the future of Calderdale & Huddersfield NHS and social care at New Beginnings, North Halifax on 10th June.  This is Janet’s report:

I got there at about 2.30pm and by the open door there was a large 2 metre free-standing poster advertising the event. The hall was laid out in areas with posters and staff from the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), the Hospitals Trust and Locala available to talk.  It would have been better if the staff wore name tags so you could see who you were talking to and what organisation they represented, although the Locala staff member was clearly identifiable since she wore a uniform. Continue reading

Save our A&Es, Protect our NHS at Halifax Gala on 14th June – face painters, musicians, children, doctors and nurses wanted!

Non-party political Save Our A&Es campaigners, including Calderdale NHS 38 Degrees, will have a stand and a float at Halifax Gala on 14th June. The aim is to call for everyone to protect our A&Es and NHS against the proposed shakeup to Calderdale and Greater Huddersfield NHS. This includes the proposed downgrade of Calderdale A&E to a minor injuries unit and sending all acute and emergency services to Huddersfield Royal Infirmary.

The campaigners need face painters – no experience required, we might just stick with the clown theme for that – musicians and other volunteers. Please get in touch with Gary Scott on facebook or email him at Continue reading

Keeping Calderdale A&E open is a fight we can win

This was the message from Save our A&E campaigners this morning, as they walked with Labour Parliamentary candidate Josh Fenton Glynn from Todmorden to Huddersfield Royal Infirmary.

The walk is to bring home the distances people will need to travel if the proposed closure of Calderdale A&E goes ahead. Continue reading