Calderdale NHS 38 Degrees members attended the Calderdale Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) meeting in F Mill, Dean Clough, on Thursday 11th April. This is their report:
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Tag Archives: CCG
April 1st starts stealth privatisation of NHS – every day, things are getting worse
You can read an edited transcript of the video on the British Medical Journal website. Lucy Reynolds offers a clear, chilling analysis of how the Health and Social Care Act will work when it comes into force on April 1st.
Save Lewisham Hospital Campaign is calling on everyone to lobby Parliament and MPs on 26th March, and write to Lords to oppose regulations that are the thin end of the wedge for stealth NHS privatisation.
“We want to make sure that CCGs are not forced to use competition, but can decide for themselves whether they use NHS services or whether they choose to use private providers like Virgin or other international companies.”
Also, you can ask your MP to sign the EDM 1188 aiming to get a public debate on the new regulations.
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Protect Our NHS – Straws in the wind
This is a quick round up of some issues that are likely to shape the NHS after the Health and Social Care Act comes into effect from 1 April 2013:
- Freedom of Information
- GPs freedom (or not) to disagree with their Clinical Commissioning Group
- Privatisation of Commissioning Support Units ( the organisations that are supposed to support Clinical Commissioning Groups)
New NHS commissioning will put profits above healthcare

KPMG Leeds Office. KPMG has seconded Pete Thomas to work as Finance Lead for the new NHS West Yorkshire Commissioning Support Unit (CSU). His job is to prepare the CSU business plan.
Dr Chris Day writes:
The NHS internal market will mean that commissioners who allocate the budget and providers who do the work are effectively part of the same organisation. This is a recipe for conflicts of interest. Patients will not know why they are being refused care or where the money has gone that would have been available in the past.
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