Big Brexit question mark over EU legal action against UK government for failing to protect Walshaw Moor

Following the EU Referendum vote, Linda McAvan MEP has said it’s unclear what effect the vote for the UK to leave the EU is going to have on the EU Commission’s pursuit of the Ban the Burn complaint about the legality of a £2.5 million Environmental Stewardship Agreement (ESA) that Natural England has awarded the grouse-shooting Walshaw Moor Estate.

Linda said that she can’t give a definitive  answer to this question, since all is up in the air, but she guesses that given that EU legal cases are premised on continued EU membership,  she can’t see why the Commission would invest time in pursuing the prosecution if the UK is going to be out of the EU.  

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Calderdale Council cross party group to oversee Brexit action plan

Calderdale Council has prepared an action plan to deal with changes resulting from the EU referendum vote to leave the EU. It will be overseen by a cross-party EU Action Plan group that will meet in public, although the Council hasn’t yet finalised membership or a timetable for meetings.

If members of the public witness or experience any racist or xenophobic backlash, either call the police on 101 (for non-emergencies) or report it to Calderdale Council’s community worker

Here is West Yorkshire Police advice on how to report a hate crime/incident

To report a Hate Crime / Incident:

If you have been the victim of behaviour you felt was inappropriate by a police officer or member of police staff you can report a police complaint.

Impact on “community cohesion”

If there is any local backlash against EU citizens, migrants or ethnic minorities – what Calderdale Council calls “an impact on community cohesion” – the Council said it’s important that it deals swiftly with any signs of tension and that it:

“may need to support non-UK citizens who may be directly affected by an EU exit.”

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