Criticism of UN Environmental Programme proposals for so-called Green Economy

The fundamental flaw at the heart of UNEP’s report “Towards a Green Economy” is its failure to take account of the extremely unequal power relations in the world today and how these play out in the global economy.

Cows fed linseed reduce their methane emissions by 40%

The Torygraph has an article about reductions in cows’ methane emissions (from farting and burping) when they’re fed on linseed.

30% of farm greenhouse gas emissions comes from methane from sheep and cattle, so if feeding them linseed reduced that amount by 40%, that means it would reduce overall farm greenhouse gas emissions by 12%. Given that the current target is an 11% reduction in farm greenhouse gases by 2020,  based on the 1990 level, this sounds too good to be true?

Is it time to embrace environmental change?

Is it time to embrace environmental change? is a book review of “Love Your Monsters: Postenvironmentalism and the Anthropocene”. It suggests that, rather than trying to turn back the clock to an earlier era where there weren’t so many of us and our impact on the planet wasn’t so big, we need to work with what we’ve got. It also suggests that if the environmental movement keeps looking back and trying to recreate the past, it will be part of the problem rather than part of the solution.

Extracts from the book are online.