
Maybe you’ve been following the recent trial in Preston of anti-fracking activists who were arrested while occupying a Cuadrilla fracking rig in Lancashire. The court found the activists guilty of aggravated trespass and assault.

The UK Coalition Government is dancing to the tune of the fracking companies

The Frack Off Extreme Energy Action Network has published information about the revolving door between government, Cuadrilla and other oil and gas industry companies, and the Royal Academy of Engineering (RAE), which  released a report on fracking last month (June 2012). Until last year Lord Browne, Chairman of Cuadrilla, was President of the RAE. He owns 30% of Cuadrilla and is also a non-executive director of the Cabinet Office.
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Natural England refuses request for information about Walshaw Estate peat burning

Earlier this year, Natural England dropped a legal action which attempted to ban the owner of Walshaw Moor from burning  peat bogs.  I found this a bit odd and put in an Environmental Information Regulations request to Natural England, to try and find out what was going on.

Request to disclose Natural England’s expert witness statement

I asked Natural England to disclose the contents of the witness statement about Walshaw Moor land management, that Natural England’s Executive Director for Science, Evidence and Advice had prepared for a proposed judicial review that the High Court ordered into Natural England’s attempt to ban burning on Walshaw Moor.
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Email Deutsche Bank to stop financing palm oil plantations

Please email Deutsche Bank asking them to honour their stated commitment to sustainability and pull out of underwriting palm oil giant corporation FELDA’s flotation on the Malaysian stock market.

The problem

Rainforest Rescue says:

“FELDA is the world’s largest palm oil trader. Since its foundation, FELDA has cut down hundreds of thousands of hectares of rainforest in order to create oil palm monocultures. Now the company wants to collect three billion dollars at the stock market in order to buy more land in Indonesia and Africa, to destroy the rainforest and to set up oil palm plantations. 

In Malaysia there is a strong opposition against FELDA’s flotation and the land grabbing associated with it. “

Blood for oil in Kazakhstan- please email the Kazakhstan President


A Campaign by the Confederation of Free Trade Unions of Kazakhstan, the Confederation of Labour of Russia, and supported by the International Trade Union Confederation is seeking justice for oil workers in Kazakhstan, and asking people to sign an email   that calls on the President of Kazahkstan to make sure that justice is done.

At the end of 2011, months of dispute between oil workers and oil company managers ended in uncontrolled police violence, resulting in  17 deaths and dozens of injuries to oil workers and to Kazakhstan citizens who were not involved in the dispute.

The campaigners say,

“Dozens of people, whose involvement is contestable, were subsequently charged. Many of them were sentenced to different terms in prison. During the process, international observers, representatives of Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and OSCE, human rights defenders and journalists recorded numerous violations in the trial processes. Almost all defendants and some of witnesses stated that they were tortured in the course of the investigation, but the trials were not suspended. The trials were conducted in an environment of extreme tensions and close to a state of emergency measures in the region.

The international trade union movement demands that the sentences be reconsidered, that all cases of torture and provocation be thoroughly investigated, and that national legislation that envisages criminal responsibility for “calling for social strife” and that is used selectively to put pressure on trade unionists, human rights activists and public figures, be changed.”

Please sign the email that calls on the President of Kazahkstan to carry out these demands.




Walsden Water – one of 294 flood prevention schemes that haven’t gone ahead

The Guardian has the full list of 294 flood prevention projects that were given projected spending in 2010 for 2011 and 2012, but didn’t receive any funds in those years, according to Environment Agency records.

This includes Walsden Water-Todmorden Phase 3, which was allocated £322K for spending in 2010, with further predected funding of £280K in 2011 and £2,110K in 2912.

The Guardian points out that this failure to carry out the 294 flood prevention works  happened following Coalition government cuts of 27% of the Environment Agency’s budget.
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Creative commons licence for UCV Plain Speaker

Upper Calder Valley Plain Speaker by Jenny Shepherd is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

Please attribute any work you share from this website (for non-commercial purposes only) as “Shared from Upper Calder Valley Plain Speaker [giving live link to the source webpage] under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.” 

To embed or quote any UCV Plain Speaker content in commercial media, please contact for information about rates and permissions. Alternatively, simply link straight to the content from your commercial media site.


Biofuel -also known as agrofuel- is one of those ideas that seemed great at first.  Bio-diesel from soy oil or palm oil, and bio-ethanol from sugar cane, beet, wheat and corn sounded like good alternatives to the fossil fuels we use for transport and electricity generation.

But since we first starting hearing about biofuels, their drawbacks have become clear. In 2011, the Nuffield Council on Bioethics reported that:

 “current UK and European policies encourage unethical practices”. 

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