Everyone is welcome to a discussion led by Geoff Tansey about the future of food, hosted by Blackshaw Environmental Action Team in Heptonstall on Wednesday 9th January at 7.45PM at the Social and Bowling Club. The topic is Our food future – global vs local? Admission is free.
Geoff Tansey has worked on food, agriculture and development issues for over 35 years. He has degrees in soil science (University of Aberdeen) and history and social studies of science (Sussex University). He helped found and edit the journal Food Policy in the mid-1970s, has worked on agricultural development projects in Turkey, Mongolia, Albania and Kazakstan and travelled widely.
Since 1981, he has been an independent writer, consultant, and occasional broadcaster. His books include The Food System: a guide (with Tony Worsley) and co-editorship of The future control of food – A guide to international negotiations and rules on intellectual property, biodiversity and food security.
In June 2005, he received a Joseph Rowntree ‘Visionaries for a Just and Peaceful World’ Award and, in 2008, he won the Derek Cooper Award for best food campaigner/educator, at the BBC Radio 4 Food and Farming Awards. He is a member and a trustee of The Food Ethics Council. Website: www.tansey.org.uk
Here’s an interesting video of an old friend, poet and farmer Scott Chaskey, talking about sustainable farming and community-supported agriculture.