Calderdale Council consultation on what happens to Cragg Vale J&I school when they close its building

Calderdale Council is holding a public consultation on the future of the Cragg Vale Junior and Infant School. The Council has decided to close the school building because it is costly to run, maintain and update. They propose three possible courses of action:

  • Merge Cragg Vale with Scout Road Academy (this option is subject to the agreement of Scout Road Academy) or Calder High School.
  • Relocate Cragg Vale to a stand-alone provision on the Calder High School site.
  • Close Cragg Vale and ask parents for their preference at alternative schools.

The consultation asks people to choose between these options. It does not invite them to say whether or not they agree with the closure of the school building, or indicate what the 59 Cragg Vale J&I pupils and their parents and teachers think of the plan to close the school building.

Further details and the consultation forms can be found here

Completed forms can be emailed to or posted to Commissioning Officer – Access and School Planning, Ground floor, Northgate House, Halifax, HX1 1UN.

People can make their views known or drop off completed forms at one of the consultation meetings, starting on Tuesday 27 September at Cragg Vale School. Here’s a full list of dates and times.

2 thoughts on “Calderdale Council consultation on what happens to Cragg Vale J&I school when they close its building

  1. Local history and stability within our local
    Community with the closing of school’s is a great tragedy and it will be gone for ever rest in peace.

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