Petition: No Evictions in Calderdale – Axe the Bedroom Tax

The Bedroom Tax will affect over 1,500 families in Calderdale occupying social housing. Because they have a “spare” bedroom they will either have to accept a savage cut in their housing benefit or face the prospect of having to move from their homes.

The vast majority of tenants, many of whom are disabled, who are “under occupying” are unable to move because there is no smaller social housing for them to go to. Benefit cuts will push them over the edge financially towards arrears and eviction.

Councils and social housing providers do not have to evict their tenants because they can’t pay and can’t move – several councils and social housing providers have already agreed to such a policy.

We are Calderdale residents opposed to the Bedroom Tax.(Click on petition widget at top of this post to sign petition.)

We demand that all social housing providers in Calderdale make a public commitment not to evict any tenants who are penalised by it.

We further call on all social housing providers to take whatever measures they can to mitigate the implementation of the Bedroom Tax, for example by reclassifying box rooms, store rooms and rooms off living rooms as non-bedrooms.

We also call on Calderdale Council to join us in opposing the Bedroom Tax as a matter of urgency. (Calderdale Council voted to oppose the Bedroom Tax at the Council meeting on 24 April.)

More info on Calderdale SOS website

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