Planning Inspector nixes Tod Asda – harm to town would outweigh benefits

An appeal against Calderdale Council’s refusal to approve the development of an Asda supermarket on Hope Street, Halifax Road, Todmorden has concluded unsuccessfully. On 13th November the Inspector in charge of the Inquiry and appeal issued his decision to dismiss the appeal.

The supermarket would significantly damage the viability and vitality of Tod Town Centre

The Inspector, Mr Middleton, has explained his Appeal Decision in a 14 page document. Summing up his decision at the end of the document, he states:

“I conclude that the proposal would have a significant adverse impact on the vitality and viability of Todmorden Town Centre, its role as a market town and committed and planned public and private investment within the centre. The benefits of the scheme discussed above do not in my view outweigh this harm. I also conclude that the proposal could be located on a sequentially more preferable site. Paragraph 27 of the Framework says that where an application fails to satisfy the sequential test or is likely to have a significant adverse impact on one or more of the above factors, then it should be refused. I therefore find for the reasons discussed above and having taken account of all of the other matters raised, including the views of local residents and other interested parties, that the appeal should be dismissed.”



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