The Leeds City Region group of local authorities has set up a Local Economic Partnership (LEP) which in turn has set up a Green Economy Panel, which as far as I can understand Is responsible for “growing” the green economy in the region, which includes Calderdale.
So if you have anything to say about the effectiveness or otherwise of the LEP or the Green Economy Panel, the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Local Growth, LEPs and Enterprise Zones “warmly invites” your comments.
Updated 1 Oct 2012
The All Party Parliamentary Group has now published its Report on Local Growth, LEPs and Enterprise Zones.
I’ve also just found out from the people who answer the phone for media enquiries about Leeds City Region Local Enterprise Partnership that no Green Economy Panel (GEP) minutes or agendas are on the LCR website because a) it’s a new Panel and no-one’s got round to putting the GEP papers on the website b) it’s a private group and its meetings are private and “not something LCR would publicise“.
So much for democracy.