Calderdale 38 Degrees NHS Campaign Group meets monthly and welcomes new and existing members who want to support the campaign to save our NHS.
If you would like to become a member, please email
Calderdale 38 Degrees NHS Campaign are developing some new campaign ideas to save our NHS, that they will present at the meeting. They need support to carry this through.
The threat level to our local services has gone up dramatically with the recent news that the hospitals Trust is in the red.
As a result, Monitor has upped its risk rating for the Trust’s ongoing viability and its governance/leadership and is carrying out further investigations.
(Monitor is the quango-type organisation that regulates competition in the NHS “market”. This includes making sure that Trusts do not breach the terms of their licence to operate. One of the terms of Trust licences is that they must balance their books.)
The 3 Pigeons pub is at 1 Sun Fold Halifax HX1 2LX. Directions here.