Donate to Blackshawhead Chapel retrofit, and Local Giving will double your money

Blackshawhead Environmental Action Team (BEAT), a charity that supports sustainable living – environmentally, socially and economically, is asking for donations to raise the £1345 that they still need in order for work to ahead on insulating Blackshawhead Chapel meeting rooms, and installing four double glazed windows.

From today (Thursday, 1st March), you can have your donation to BEAT doubled and Gift Aided (an extra 25%). Altogether, BEAT can have up to £2,500 doubled via

“You have to be quick if you want your donation doubled,” says Finn Jensen, BEAT Treasurer. “The pot of money for the doubling up is £375,000, and it’s distributed on a first come, first served basis.  Over £200,000 have already been taken in the last two hours.  This will be the last national doubling up this year.”

If you prefer to give your money directly to BEAT’s treasurer, please phone Finn Jensen on 01422 846863 and he can put your money through LocalGiving.

BEAT has already received £2,000 from LEADER/Rural Development Agency. Finn Jensen says, “Once the work has been completed, the Chapel (our only community centre) will have lower heating bills, lower greenhouse gas emissions and more pleasant rooms to be in.”

As well as retrofitting the Chapel/community centre and putting PV solar panels on the roof, BEAT is helping the local community to grow more food and generate more energy. They are planning two community orchards and around 30 allotments, a community wind turbine and a hydro electric project. All the landowners have given their permission for these projects. BEAT arranges public meetings & has a newsletter.

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